Need another word that means the same as “cut down”? Find 30 related words for “cut down” in this overview.
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Associations of "Cut down" (30 Words)
abate | Make (something) less intense. This action would not have been sufficient to abate the odour nuisance. |
abbreviate | Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements. I decided to abbreviate my stay in Cambridge. |
abbreviated | Shortened; cut short. An abbreviated version of the earlier work. |
abridge | Lessen, diminish, or curtail. The introduction is abridged from the author s afterword to the novel. |
blade | A cut of beef from the shoulder blade. The director a young blade in an oversized suit. |
curtail | Reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on. Curtail drinking in school. |
decrement | A process of becoming smaller or shorter. The dose was reduced by 10 mg weekly decrements. |
deep | A deep part of the sea. Deep cuts in the budget. |
dent | Mark with a dent. It made a dent in my bank account. |
descending | Moving or sloping downwards. A rocky descending path. |
dilute | (of colour or light) weak or low in concentration. The reforms have been diluted. |
diminish | Decrease in size, extent, or range. The new law is expected to diminish the government s chances. |
downgrade | Reduce to a lower grade, rank, or level of importance. Downgrades by debt rating agencies outnumber upgrades by five to one. |
drop | An act of dropping supplies or troops by parachute. He studied the shapes of low viscosity drops. |
encapsulate | Enclose (a message or signal) in a set of codes that allow transfer across networks. Pancreatic tumours are encapsulated in a densely packed thicket of proteins and cells. |
engrave | Impress or affect deeply. The event engraved itself into her memory. |
etch | Make an etching of. The gallery has 12 000 prints engraved and etched by celebrated masters. |
haircut | An act of cutting a person’s hair. He s always very particular about his haircut. |
incise | Mark or decorate (an object or surface) with a cut or cuts. A button incised with a skull. |
incision | The action or process of cutting into something. An abdominal incision. |
knife | Cut or move cleanly through something with a knife like action. The victim was knifed to death. |
piece | Assemble something from parts or pieces. He wrote an interesting piece on Iran. |
retrench | Make a reduction, as in one’s workforce. If people are forced to retrench their expenditure trade will suffer. |
rundown | A reduction in the productivity or activities of a company or institution. A rundown in the business would be a devastating blow to the local economy. |
shorten | Make shorter than originally intended; reduce or retrench in length or duration. Ladbrokes shortened Nashwan s odds from 2 1 to 7 4. |
shrink | Move back or away, especially because of fear or disgust. The metal is unsuitable for shrinking on to wooden staves. |
shrinkage | The amount by which something shrinks. The material lost 2 inches per yard in shrinkage. |
truncate | Make shorter as if by cutting off. A truncated pyramid. |
undercut | A stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball. She styled her short bob into an edgy undercut. |
wane | Grow smaller. Interest in the project waned. |