DELUSIONAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DELUSIONAL?

Need another word that means the same as “delusional”? Find 30 related words for “delusional” in this overview.

Associations of "Delusional" (30 Words)

amnesiaPartial or total loss of memory.
They were suffering from amnesia.
bipolarOf a person suffering from bipolar disorder.
A sharply bipolar division of affluent and underclass.
chimericalProduced by a wildly fanciful imagination- Douglas Bush.
His Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists.
confusionA situation of panic or disorder.
There seems to be some confusion about which system does what.
daydreamIndulge in a daydream.
She looked out the window daydreaming.
disarrayA state of disorganization or untidiness.
Attendant damsels to help to disarray her.
dreamSee hear or feel something in a dream.
Maybe you dreamed it.
dystopiaAn imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic.
fantasyA genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than the real world.
A fantasy world.
forgetfulnessLapse of memory.
She teased him for his forgetfulness.
hallucinateExperience a hallucination of (something.
Ben began hallucinating and having fits.
hallucinationA mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea.
His dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination.
hallucinatoryCharacterized by or characteristic of hallucination – Jean Stafford.
A hallucinatory fantasy.
illusionAn erroneous mental representation.
He had no illusions about the trouble she was in.
illusiveBased on or having the nature of an illusion.
An illusive haven.
illusoryBased on or having the nature of an illusion.
She knew the safety of her room was illusory.
imaginaryNot based on fact; unreal- F.D.Roosevelt.
Chris had imaginary conversations with her.
imaginationThe ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.
She d never been blessed with a vivid imagination.
megalomaniaA psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur.
neurosisA mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction.
Freud s two stage account of neurosis.
oblivionThe state of being disregarded or forgotten.
Only our armed forces stood between us and oblivion.
paranoiaA psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur.
Mild paranoia afflicts all prime ministers.
paranoiacSuffering from or relating to paranoia.
A bunch of paranoiacs and conspiracy theorists.
paranoidA person who is paranoid.
You think I m paranoid but I tell you there is something going on.
psychosisAny severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted.
They were suffering from a psychosis.
reverieA fanciful or impractical idea or theory.
He defended and explained all the reveries of astrology.
schizophreniaAny of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact.
Gibraltar s schizophrenia continues to be fed by colonial pride.
surrealHaving the qualities of surrealism bizarre.
As irrational and surreal as a dream.
trickLiable to fail; defective.
We tricked the teacher into thinking that class would be cancelled next week.
visualizeMake (something) visible to the eye.
With this machine ultrasound can be visualized.

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