DEMOGRAPHIC: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEMOGRAPHIC?

Need another word that means the same as “demographic”? Find 30 related words for “demographic” in this overview.

Associations of "Demographic" (30 Words)

administerAdminister or bestow as in small portions.
Administer an exam.
analystA psychoanalyst.
breathalyzerA device that measures chemicals (especially the alcohol content) in a person’s expired breath.
censorSubject to political religious or moral censorship.
The report was approved by the military censors.
criticallyIn a critical manner.
The reader must evaluate critically every article he or she reviews.
econometricsThe application of mathematics and statistics to the study of economic and financial data.
examinationThe action or process of conducting an examination.
An examination of marketing behaviour.
inquiryAn instance of questioning.
He was one of the State s star witnesses in the murder inquiry.
inspectionA formal or official examination.
We carry out regular safety inspections.
inspectorA police officer ranking below a chief inspector.
A prison inspector.
measurementThe size, length, or amount of something, as established by measuring.
A telescope with which precise measurements can be made.
overseeWatch and direct.
Who is overseeing this project.
pollCut off the top of a tree or plant typically to encourage further growth pollard.
The Green candidate polled 3 6 per cent.
pollsterA person who conducts or analyses opinion polls.
A pollster conducts public opinion polls.
polygraphA lie detector test carried out with a polygraph.
If he passed the polygraph of course it would authenticate his story.
populationAll the inhabitants of a particular place.
A city with a large student population.
probabilityThe quality or state of being probable; the extent to which something is likely to happen or be the case.
The probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0 5.
reaffirmState again strongly.
He reaffirmed his faith in the church.
reconnoiterExplore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody.
reexamineLook at again; examine again.
reviewHold a review of troops.
The Home Secretary was called on to review Britain s gun laws.
scrutinyThe act of examining something closely (as for mistakes.
Every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny.
statisticA fact or piece of data obtained from a study of a large quantity of numerical data.
The statistics show that the crime rate has increased.
surveillanceClose observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.
He found himself put under surveillance by British military intelligence.
surveyAn act of surveying a building.
Her green eyes surveyed him coolly.
terrainA piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential.
A terrain of low green hills.
testThe act of testing something.
A positive test for protein.
undervalueA price below the real value.
His truck was sold at an undervalue.
voterA citizen who has a legal right to vote.
watchdogA guardian or defender against theft or illegal practices or waste.
How can we watchdog our investments.

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