Need another word that means the same as “denomination”? Find 41 synonyms and 30 related words for “denomination” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Denomination” are: appellation, appellative, designation, religious group, sect, church, cult, movement, faith community, body, persuasion, religious persuasion, communion, order, fraternity, brotherhood, sisterhood, school, faith, belief, divinity, worship, creed, teaching, doctrine, theology, value, unit, grade, size, measure, name, title, term, epithet, label, tag, style, sobriquet, nickname, byname
Denomination as a Noun
Definitions of "Denomination" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “denomination” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The face value of a banknote, coin, or postage stamp.
- A class of one kind of unit in a system of numbers or measures or weights or money.
- Identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others.
- A name or designation.
- The action of naming or classifying something.
- The rank of a playing card within a suit, or of a suit relative to others.
- A branch of any religion.
- A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.
- A group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith.

Synonyms of "Denomination" as a noun (41 Words)
appellation | A name or title. The city fully justifies its appellation the Pearl of the Orient. |
appellative | A common noun, such as ‘doctor’, ‘mother’, or ‘sir’, used as a vocative. |
belief | A religious conviction. We re prepared to fight for our beliefs. |
body | A resonating chamber in a musical instrument as the body of a violin. A body of law. |
brotherhood | The relationship between brothers. The bonds of brotherhood. |
byname | A familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person’s given name. Surnames started off as bynames to distinguish two persons in the same locality. |
church | The body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church. Some people go to church every Sunday. |
communion | A body of people or families living together and sharing everything. The theology which had prevailed in the Roman communion. |
creed | A formal statement of Christian beliefs, especially the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed. People of many creeds and cultures. |
cult | A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members. The cult of the pursuit of money as an end in itself. |
designation | The act of putting a person into a non-elective position. A leader s designation of his own successor. |
divinity | Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force. Ancient Egyptians believed in the divinity of the Pharaohs. |
doctrine | A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group. The doctrine of predestination. |
epithet | An epithet used as a term of abuse. People jeered and hurled racial epithets. |
faith | A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. He cherished the faith of a good woman. |
faith community | A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. |
fraternity | A social club for male undergraduates. Members of the hunting fraternity. |
grade | A relative position or degree of value in a graded group. She teaches first grade. |
label | A small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it. The italic part of speech label follows the pronunciation. |
measure | Measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals used as a reference in making measurements. Measures of two or three syllables are more frequent in English prose. |
movement | A campaign undertaken by a political social or artistic movement. It was an expensive watch with a diamond movement. |
name | A word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed, or referred to. He wanted to protect his good name. |
nickname | A familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name. The nickname for the U S Constitution is Old Ironsides. |
order | The position in which a rifle is held after ordering arms. The company s products were in such demand that they got more orders than their call center could handle. |
persuasion | A group or sect holding a particular religious belief. The village had two chapels for those of the Primitive Methodist persuasion. |
religious group | A member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience. |
religious persuasion | A member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience. |
school | The process of being formally educated at a school. School books. |
sect | A philosophical or political group, especially one regarded as extreme or dangerous. Two of the older sects the Congregationalists and the Baptists were able to increase their membership dramatically. |
sisterhood | The kinship relation between a female offspring and the siblings. Canadian feminists acknowledge their sisterhood with women around the globe. |
size | A person or garment corresponding to a particular numbered size. Firms of all sizes. |
sobriquet | A familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person’s given name. She was a vast and haughty person who answered to the sobriquet Duchesse. |
style | In an invertebrate a small slender pointed appendage a stylet. The pillars are no exception to the general style. |
tag | A loose or spare end of something; a leftover. He lived up to his tag as the team s saviour. |
teaching | The profession of a teacher. The teachings of the Koran. |
term | A boundary or limit, especially of time. Their solicitors had agreed terms. |
theology | The learned profession acquired by specialized courses in religion (usually taught at a college or seminary. Roman Catholic theology. |
title | (in church use) a fixed sphere of work and source of income as a condition for ordination. Davis won the world title for the first time in 1981. |
unit | The smallest measure of investment in a unit trust. The family unit. |
value | The relative degree of lightness or darkness of a particular colour. I establish the colors and principal values by organizing the painting into three values dark medium and light. |
worship | The activity of worshipping. Ancestor worship. |

Usage Examples of "Denomination" as a noun
- The Presbyterian community is the second largest denomination in the country.
- Two cards of the same denomination.
- High-denomination banknotes.
- The denomination of a consideration as relevant or irrelevant.
- He flashed a fistful of bills of large denominations.
- Orthodox Jewish denominations.

Associations of "Denomination" (30 Words)
adherent | Sticking fast to an object or surface. The eggs have thick sticky shells to which debris is often adherent. |
baptism | A ceremony or occasion at which baptism takes place. Weddings funerals and baptisms are carried out in the parish church. |
believing | The cognitive process that leads to convictions. Seeing is believing. |
buddhist | Of or relating to or supporting Buddhism. |
canon | A priest who is a member of a cathedral chapter. Hopkins was firmly established in the canon of English poetry. |
catholicism | The beliefs and practices of a Catholic Church. |
church | The body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church. Our church is hosting a picnic next week. |
clergyman | A member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church. |
congregation | (in the Roman Catholic Church) a permanent committee of the College of Cardinals. The singing of psalms by the whole congregation. |
credo | A musical setting of the Nicene Creed, typically as part of a mass. He announced his credo in his first editorial. |
creed | A set of beliefs or aims which guide someone’s actions. Liberalism was more than a political creed. |
deist | Of or relating to deism. |
faith | A strongly held belief. Men with strong political faiths. |
heterodoxy | Deviation from accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs. His work was marked by elements of theological heterodoxy. |
jewish | Of or relating to Jews or their culture or religion. |
martyrdom | Any experience that causes intense suffering. You know martyrdom isn t my style. |
mormon | The ancient prophet whose writings were revealed to Joseph Smith who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. |
pastor | Be pastor of a church or congregation. He continued to study law while pastoring in Chelsea. |
pharisaic | Excessively or hypocritically pious. |
pilgrimage | Go on a pilgrimage. Now is the thirty first year of my dark pilgrimage on this earth. |
pious | Making or constituting a hypocritical display of virtue. A deeply pious woman. |
priest | Ordain to the priesthood. The priest celebrated mass at a small altar off the north transept. |
protestant | Protesting. |
reformation | A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches. The reformation of the Senate. |
religious | A member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience. She has strong religious convictions. |
sacrament | A thing of mysterious and sacred significance; a religious symbol. He heard Mass and received the sacrament. |
saint | Used in titles of religious saints. The poor saints which are at Jerusalem. |
sanctimonious | Excessively or hypocritically pious. What happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first. |
shrine | Enshrine. A Hindu shrine at which offerings are placed twice a day. |
theism | The doctrine or belief in the existence of a God or gods. There are many different forms of theism. |