DEPLOYED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEPLOYED?

Need another word that means the same as “deployed”? Find 30 related words for “deployed” in this overview.

Associations of "Deployed" (30 Words)

alignAlign oneself with a group or a way of thinking.
All of them must now align against the foe.
armoredUsed of animals; provided with protective covering.
armyThe army of the United States of America the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare.
He joined the army at 16.
arrangeArrange thoughts ideas temporal events.
The columns are arranged in 12 rows.
arrayAlign oneself with a group or a way of thinking.
Several arrays of solar panels will help provide power.
artilleryAn army unit that uses big guns.
Each corps included two regiments of field artillery.
battalionA large organized group of people pursuing a common aim.
A battalion of ants.
brigadeForm into a brigade.
The militia which was brigaded with regular formations to improve its training.
classifyAssign to a particular class or category.
How would you classify these pottery shards are they prehistoric.
codifyOrganize into a code or system, such as a body of law.
This would codify existing intergovernmental cooperation on drugs.
colonelA rank of officer in the army and in the US air force above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier or brigadier general.
commanderA commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain.
The commander of a paratroop regiment.
commandoA unit of commandos.
A commando attack.
coordinateForm a coordinate bond to an atom or molecule.
Matching accessories provide a complete ensemble of colour coordinates.
deploymentThe action of bringing resources into effective action.
A world leader in the development and deployment of wave and tidal power.
grenadierA reddish-brown African waxbill with a red bill and a bright blue rump.
hordeA large group of people.
A horde of beery rugby fans.
legionAssociation of ex-servicemen.
Legions of photographers and TV cameras.
orderingLogical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements.
There were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list.
organizeForm or join a union.
Organize lessons in a planned way.
pluralityThe number by which plurality exceeds the number of votes cast for the candidate placed second.
A plurality of religions.
positionAn opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute.
The cars were in position.
preparePrepare for eating by applying heat.
Prepare the discord in bar 139.
redefineGive a new or different definition of (a word.
She redefined his duties.
regimentForm military personnel into a regiment.
Every aspect of their life is strictly regimented.
relocationThe action of moving to a new place and establishing one’s home or business there.
The planned relocation of national headquarters to Warwickshire.
reorganizeOrganize anew.
The company reorganized into fewer key areas.
setupThe way something is organized or arranged.
It takes time to learn the setup around here.
sizingAny glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics.
tankTreat in a tank.
They get tanked up before the game.

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