DEPRIVED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEPRIVED?

Need another word that means the same as “deprived”? Find 12 synonyms and 30 related words for “deprived” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Deprived” are: disadvantaged, underprivileged, poverty-stricken, impoverished, poor, destitute, needy, in need, in want, unable to make ends meet, in reduced circumstances, unable to keep the wolf from the door

Deprived as an Adjective

Definitions of "Deprived" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “deprived” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or healthful environmental influences.
  • Suffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and cultural benefits.
  • (of a person) lacking a specified benefit that is considered important.

Synonyms of "Deprived" as an adjective (12 Words)

destituteExtremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself.
Towns destitute of commerce.
disadvantagedMarked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or healthful environmental influences.
We began to help the disadvantaged.
impoverishedDestroyed financially.
An impoverished and debased language.
in needDirected or bound inward.
in reduced circumstancesDirected or bound inward.
in wantHolding office.
needy(of a person) needing emotional support; insecure.
The provision of humanitarian assistance to the needy.
poorCharacterized by or indicating poverty.
Oh you poor thing.
poverty-strickenPoor enough to need help from others.
unable to keep the wolf from the doorLacking necessary physical or mental ability.
unable to make ends meetLacking in power or forcefulness.
underprivilegedLacking the rights and advantages of other members of society.
The plight of the underprivileged.

Usage Examples of "Deprived" as an adjective

  • Boys from a deprived environment, wherein the family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation, and disregard for law.
  • A childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living off charity.
  • I was so sleep deprived I was bumping into walls.
  • The charity cares for destitute and deprived children.

Associations of "Deprived" (30 Words)

calamitousHaving extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin.
A calamitous defeat.
disadvantaged(of a person or area) in unfavourable circumstances, especially with regard to financial or social opportunities.
Disadvantaged groups such as the unemployed.
disastrousHighly unsuccessful.
United made a disastrous start to the season.
fateful(of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin.
That fateful meeting of the U N when it declared war on North Korea.
forebodingOminously prophetic.
With a sense of foreboding she read the note.
hapless(especially of a person) unfortunate.
The hapless victims of the disaster.
impecuniousNot having enough money to pay for necessities.
A titled but impecunious family.
inauspiciousNot auspicious; boding ill.
My words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven.
indigenceA state of extreme poverty or destitution.
Their indigence appalled him.
indigentPoor; needy.
A charity for the relief of indigent artists.
infelicitousNot appropriate in application; defective.
The infelicitous typesetting was due to illegible copy.
misadventureDeath caused by a person accidentally while performing a legal act without negligence or intent to harm.
The coroner recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.
mischanceAn instance of misfortune.
By pure mischance the secret was revealed.
mishapAn unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate.
The event passed without mishap.
needinessThe quality of needing attention and affection and reassurance to a marked degree.
He recognized her neediness but had no time to respond to it.
ominousGiving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly inauspicious.
There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead.
pauperA poor person who may bring a legal action without payment of costs.
He was buried in a pauper s grave.
penuryA state of extreme poverty or destitution.
He couldn t face another year of penury.
piteousDeserving or inciting pity.
A piteous cry.
pitiableInspiring mixed contempt and pity.
Pitiable lack of character.
poorLacking in quality or substances.
His poor distorted limbs.
povertyThe state of being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount.
Thousands of families are living in abject poverty.
privationA state of extreme poverty.
Years of rationing and privation.
underprivileged(of a person) not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society.
Needy and underprivileged members of the community.
unfortunateA person who is considered immoral or lacking in religious faith or instruction, especially a prostitute.
Unfortunate investments.
unhappyNot satisfied or pleased with (a situation.
Had an unhappy time at school.
unluckyHaving or bringing misfortune.
An unlucky defeat.
unpropitiousNot propitious.
His reports were submitted at a financially unpropitious time.
unsuccessfulNot successful.
An unsuccessful attempt to enter Parliament.
wretched(of a person) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state.
The wretched conditions of the slums.

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