DESERVES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DESERVES?

Need another word that means the same as “deserves”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “deserves” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Deserves” are: merit

Deserves as a Verb

Definitions of "Deserves" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “deserves” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Be worthy or deserving.

Synonyms of "Deserves" as a verb (1 Word)

meritBe worthy or deserving.
The results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation.

Usage Examples of "Deserves" as a verb

  • You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you have done.

Associations of "Deserves" (30 Words)

acclaimEnthusiastic and public praise.
She has won acclaim for her commitment to democracy.
admireRegard with respect or warm approval.
I admire your courage.
applaudShow strong approval of (a person or action); praise.
The crowd whistled and applauded.
awardAn amount of money given as an official payment, compensation, or grant.
The jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff.
blamePut or pin the blame on.
The police laid the blame on the driver.
comeuppanceAn outcome (good or bad) that is well deserved and fitting.
He got his comeuppance in the end.
commendPresent as suitable for approval or acceptance recommend.
Commend me to my son and bid him rule better than I.
commendableDeserving praise.
A commendable sense of purpose.
complimentExpress respect or esteem for.
Carry my compliments to your kinsmen.
deservedlyAs deserved.
They are top of the league and deservedly so.
deserving(often used ironically) worthy of being treated in a particular way.
The deserving poor.
desirableA desirable person or thing.
A desirable outcome.
exaltPraise, glorify, or honor.
The party will continue to exalt their hero.
extolPraise, glorify, or honor.
He extolled the virtues of the Russian peoples.
glorifyPraise glorify or honor.
You are glorifying a rather mediocre building.
justlyWith honesty.
We can justly be proud of our achievements.
kudosPraise and honour received for an achievement.
She was looking for kudos rather than profit.
laudPraise, glorify, or honor.
All glory laud and honour to Thee Redeemer King.
laudable(of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation.
Laudable motives of improving housing conditions.
meritAny admirable quality or attribute.
The results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation.
meritedProperly deserved.
A merited success.
meritorious(of an action or claim) likely to succeed on the merits of the case.
A lifetime of meritorious service.
praiseExpress warm approval or admiration of.
The parents praised their children for their academic performance.
praiseworthyDeserving approval and admiration.
The government s praiseworthy efforts.
preciousOf high worth or cost.
Children are precious.
pricelessHaving incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth.
Darling you re priceless.
respectableCharacterized by socially or conventionally acceptable morals.
A perfectly respectable pair of pyjamas.
rightlyIn accordance with justice or what is morally right.
The delicious cuisine for which her country was rightly famous.
valuedHaving value of a specified kind.
Triple valued.
worthyWorthy of being chosen especially as a spouse.
A fact worthy of attention.

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