DISCREPANCIES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISCREPANCIES?

Need another word that means the same as “discrepancies”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “discrepancies” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Discrepancies” are: disagreement, divergence, variance, variant

Discrepancies as a Noun

Definitions of "Discrepancies" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “discrepancies” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • An event that departs from expectations.
  • A difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions.

Synonyms of "Discrepancies" as a noun (4 Words)

disagreementLack of consistency or correspondence.
There was some disagreement about the details.
divergenceA place where airflows or ocean currents diverge, typically marked by downwelling (of air) or upwelling (of water).
An angle is formed by the divergence of two straight lines.
varianceThe fact or quality of being different, divergent, or inconsistent.
The stylistic variances of classical dance.
variantA form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard.
Clinically distinct variants of malaria.

Associations of "Discrepancies" (30 Words)

antinomyA contradiction between two statements that seem equally reasonable.
There are not many short novels capable of accommodating bewildering antinomies.
conflictBe in conflict.
He was immobilized by conflict and indecision.
conflictingOn bad terms.
Conflicting opinions.
contradictBe in contradiction with.
The survey appears to contradict the industry s claims.
contradictionOpposition between two conflicting forces or ideas.
The paradox of using force to overcome force is a real contradiction.
contradictoryA contradictory proposition.
The two studies came to contradictory conclusions.
controversyA contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement.
The announcement ended a protracted controversy.
cracked(of a person’s voice) having an unusual harshness or pitch, especially through strain.
The captain was screaming orders in a cracked baritone.
disagreementLack of consistency or correspondence.
Disagreements between parents and adolescents.
discordA harsh mixture of sounds.
The music faded in discord.
discordantLacking in harmony.
The operative principle of democracy is a balance of discordant qualities.
discrepantNot in agreement.
The reasons for these discrepant results are unclear.
disputeA disagreement between management and employees that leads to industrial action.
A territorial dispute between the two countries.
dissensionDisagreement among those expected to cooperate.
These issues caused bitter dissension in the party.
dissonanceThe auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience.
The party faithful might be willing to put up with such dissonance among their candidates.
dissonantNot in accord.
Jackson employs both harmonious and dissonant colour choices.
divergenceAn infinite series that has no limit.
The divergence between primates and other groups.
divisiveDissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion.
The highly divisive issue of abortion.
factiousRelating or inclined to dissension.
A factious country.
incompatibleNot suitable to your tastes or needs.
Incompatible personalities.
incongruousLacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness.
Incongruous behavior.
inconsistencyThe relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time.
The inconsistency between his expressed attitudes and his actual behaviour.
inconsistentDisplaying a lack of consistency.
Inconsistent with the roadmap.
inharmoniousNot forming or contributing to a pleasing whole; discordant.
An inharmonious or incongruous mixture of architectural styles.
ironyThe expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
Irony is wasted on the stupid.
opposeBe against; express opposition to.
We oppose the ban on abortion.
opposingIn conflict or competition with someone or something.
The opposing team.
oxymoronA figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true).
paradoxicalSeemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true.
By glorifying the acts of violence they achieve the paradoxical effect of making them trivial.
strifeAngry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.
Strife within the community.

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