Need another word that means the same as “incompatible”? Find 33 synonyms and 30 related words for “incompatible” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Incompatible” are: antagonistic, discrepant, contrastive, inappropriate, out or keeping, unfitting, ill-sorted, mismated, unsuited, uncongenial, irreconcilable, conflicting, opposed, opposite, contradictory, antipathetic, mismatched, worlds apart, like day and night, inconsistent with, out of keeping with, different to, divergent from, incongruous with, contrary to, in conflict with, in opposition to, diametrically opposed to, counter to, not in accord with, irreconcilable with, not able to be reconciled with, alien to
Incompatible as an Adjective
Definitions of "Incompatible" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “incompatible” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Used especially of solids or solutions; incapable of blending into a stable homogeneous mixture.
- (of two people) unable to live together harmoniously.
- Of words so related that one contrasts with the other.
- Not easy to combine harmoniously.
- (of equipment, computer programs, etc.) not capable of being used in combination.
- Not compatible.
- Used especially of drugs or muscles that counteract or neutralize each other's effect.
- (of two things) so different in nature as to be incapable of coexisting.
- (of one thing or person) not consistent or able to coexist with (another.
- Not in keeping with what is correct or proper.
- Not compatible with other facts.
- Not suitable to your tastes or needs.
- Incapable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification.

Synonyms of "Incompatible" as an adjective (33 Words)
alien to | Not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something. |
antagonistic | Indicating opposition or resistance. An antagonistic group of bystanders. |
antipathetic | (usually followed by `to’) strongly opposed. Antipathetic to new ideas. |
conflicting | On bad terms. There are conflicting accounts of what occurred. |
contradictory | Of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false. The two studies came to contradictory conclusions. |
contrary to | Of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false. |
contrastive | Of words so related that one contrasts with the other. Contrasting or contrastive colors. |
counter to | Indicating opposition or resistance. |
diametrically opposed to | Being in opposition or having an opponent. |
different to | Distinctly separate from the first. |
discrepant | Characterized by an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity. Widely discrepant statements. |
divergent from | Tending to move apart in different directions. |
ill-sorted | Not easy to combine harmoniously. |
in conflict with | Directed or bound inward. |
in opposition to | Holding office. |
inappropriate | Not suitable for a particular occasion etc. Put inappropriate pressure on them. |
incongruous with | Lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness. |
inconsistent with | Displaying a lack of consistency. |
irreconcilable | (of people) implacably hostile to each other. Irreconcilable differences. |
irreconcilable with | Impossible to reconcile. |
like day and night | Resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination. |
mismatched | Unsuitably or incorrectly matched. A pair of mismatched cops. |
mismated | Unsuitably or wrongly matched; mismatched. |
not able to be reconciled with | Have the skills and qualifications to do things well. |
not in accord with | Directed or bound inward. |
opposed | Being in opposition or having an opponent. He was opposed to discrimination. |
opposite | Of angles between opposite sides of the intersection of two lines. The medicine s effect was opposite to that intended. |
out of keeping with | Knocked unconscious by a heavy blow. |
out or keeping | Excluded from use or mention. |
uncongenial | Not suitable to your tastes or needs. An uncongenial atmosphere. |
unfitting | Not in keeping with what is correct or proper. Certain occupations were held unfitting for baptized believers. |
unsuited | Not easy to combine harmoniously. He was totally unsuited for the job. |
worlds apart | Involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope. |

Usage Examples of "Incompatible" as an adjective
- All four prototype camcorders used special tapes and were incompatible with each other.
- Although convinced that they were incompatible, she loved him.
- Long hours are simply incompatible with family life.
- She declined the offer because it was incompatible with her values.
- Incompatible personalities.
- Incompatible colors.
Associations of "Incompatible" (30 Words)
antagonistic | Indicating opposition or resistance. He was antagonistic to the government s reforms. |
antinomy | A contradiction between two beliefs or conclusions that are in themselves reasonable; a paradox. There are not many short novels capable of accommodating bewildering antinomies. |
conflict | Be in conflict. The eternal conflict between the sexes. |
conflicting | On bad terms. There are conflicting accounts of what occurred. |
contradiction | Opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas. The experiment provides a contradiction of the hypothesis. |
contradictory | A contradictory proposition. Perfect and imperfect are contradictory terms. |
cracked | Informal or slang terms for mentally irregular. You must think my family are cracked. |
disagreement | A conflict of people’s opinions or actions or characters. There was some disagreement about the details. |
discomfit | Make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed. He was not noticeably discomfited by her tone. |
disconcert | Cause to feel embarrassment. The abrupt change of subject disconcerted her. |
discord | Strife resulting from a lack of agreement. We discorded commonly on two points. |
discordant | Not in agreement or harmony. A study of children in discordant homes. |
discrepancy | An event that departs from expectations. There s a discrepancy between your account and his. |
discrepant | Not compatible with other facts. The reasons for these discrepant results are unclear. |
dissonant | Characterized by musical dissonance; harmonically unresolved. Irregular dissonant chords. |
divisive | Dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion. The highly divisive issue of abortion. |
factious | Relating or inclined to dissension. A factious country. |
incongruous | Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something. Incongruous behavior. |
inconsistency | The relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time. The inconsistency between his expressed attitudes and his actual behaviour. |
inconsistent | Not capable of being made consistent or harmonious. The quality of the material was often inconsistent. |
inharmonious | Not in harmony. An inharmonious or incongruous mixture of architectural styles. |
inhospitable | (of an environment) harsh and difficult to live in. The inhospitable landscape. |
inimical | Unfriendly; hostile. An inimical alien power. |
irony | Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs. The irony of Ireland s copying the nation she most hated. |
opposing | Facing; opposite. On the opposing page there were two addresses. |
opposition | Resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument. There was considerable opposition to the proposal. |
oxymoron | Conjoining contradictory terms (as in `deafening silence. |
paradox | A person or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities. Cathedrals face the paradox of having enormous wealth in treasures but huge annual expenses. |
raspy | Unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound. His voice was raspy from days of non stop campaigning. |
unfriendly | Very unfavorable to life or growth. The unfriendly environment at high altitudes. |