Need another word that means the same as “unfriendly”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “unfriendly” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Unfriendly” are: inimical, hostile, uncongenial, disagreeable, misanthropic, antagonistic, aggressive, unfavourable, disadvantageous, unpropitious, inauspicious, negative, alien, damaging, destructive
Unfriendly as an Adjective
Definitions of "Unfriendly" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “unfriendly” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Not disposed to friendship or friendliness.
- Not friendly.
- Not easy to understand or use.
- Very unfavorable to life or growth.

Synonyms of "Unfriendly" as an adjective (15 Words)
aggressive | Tending to spread quickly. An aggressive tumor. |
alien | Unfamiliar and disturbing or distasteful. An alien culture. |
antagonistic | Characterized by antagonism or antipathy. Europe was antagonistic to the Unites States. |
damaging | Designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions. Damaging to career and reputation. |
destructive | Causing great and irreparable damage. A policy that is destructive to the economy. |
disadvantageous | Involving or creating circumstances detrimental to success or effectiveness. A disadvantageous outcome. |
disagreeable | Not to your liking. A disagreeable old man. |
hostile | Not belonging to your own country’s forces or those of an ally. A hostile nation. |
inauspicious | Unlucky. This is the inauspicious star of disaster. |
inimical | Tending to obstruct or harm. An inimical alien power. |
misanthropic | Believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of others. A misanthropic drunken loner. |
negative | Having a negative charge. A negative outlook on life. |
uncongenial | Not suitable to your tastes or needs. The task was uncongenial to one sensitive to rebuffs. |
unfavourable | Likely to lead to an adverse outcome. Single mothers are often the target of unfavourable press attention. |
unpropitious | Not propitious. His reports were submitted at a financially unpropitious time. |

Usage Examples of "Unfriendly" as an adjective
- She shot him an unfriendly glance.
- An unfriendly coldness of manner.
- An unfriendly act of aggression.
- An unfriendly action to take.
- User-unfriendly.
- The unfriendly environment at high altitudes.
Associations of "Unfriendly" (30 Words)
aloof | In an aloof manner. They were courteous but faintly aloof. |
antagonistic | Relating to an antagonist or its action. An antagonistic group of bystanders. |
antisocial | Relating to or having an antisocial personality disorder. Standoffish and antisocial. |
behaviour | The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others. His insulting behaviour towards me. |
chilly | (of a person) feeling cold. A female form in marble a chilly but ideal medium for depicting abstract virtues. |
combative | Striving to overcome in argument. He made some enemies with his combative style. |
disaffected | Dissatisfied, especially with people in authority or a system of control. A military plot by disaffected elements in the army. |
disapproval | The expression of disapproval. Jill replied with a hint of disapproval in her voice. |
discrepant | Not in accord. The reasons for these discrepant results are unclear. |
dissonant | Lacking harmony. Irregular dissonant chords. |
hostile | Of or belonging to a military enemy. Hostile tender offer. |
icily | In a cold and icy manner. |
incompatible | Not compatible with other facts. Incompatible colors. |
incongruous | Lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness. Incongruous behavior. |
inconsistent | Acting at variance with one’s own principles or former behaviour. Inconsistent with the roadmap. |
inharmonious | Lacking in harmony of parts. An inharmonious or incongruous mixture of architectural styles. |
inhospitable | Unfavorable to life or growth. The barren inhospitable desert. |
inimical | Not friendly. An inimical critic. |
irreconcilable | (of people) implacably hostile to each other. These two views of the economy are irreconcilable. |
psychopath | Someone with a sociopathic personality a person with an antisocial personality disorder psychopath was once widely used but has now been superseded by sociopath. Playground psychopaths will gather around a fight to encourage the combatants. |
reclusive | Withdrawn from society; seeking solitude. Sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree. |
reserved | Kept specially for a particular person. He is a reserved almost taciturn man. |
sociopath | Someone with a sociopathic personality a person with an antisocial personality disorder psychopath was once widely used but has now been superseded by sociopath. |
unfavorable | Not favorable. Unfavorable impression. |
unsociable | Not inclined to society or companionship. Terry was grumpy and unsociable. |
unsocial | (of the hours of work of a job) falling outside the normal working day and thus socially inconvenient. Mountain goats are relatively unsocial. |
upstage | Move upstage forcing the other actors to turn away from the audience. He was upstage with strangers. |
violent | Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions inclined to react violently fervid. Violent dislike. |
windswept | (of a place) exposed to strong winds. His windswept hair. |
withdrawn | Withdrawn from society seeking solitude. When her husband died she became very withdrawn. |