Need another word that means the same as “displacement”? Find 12 synonyms and 30 related words for “displacement” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Displacement” are: supplanting, translation, deracination, shift, displacement reaction, removal, debarment, dismissal, exclusion, discharge, ejection, rejection
Displacement as a Noun
Definitions of "Displacement" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “displacement” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics.
- An event in which something is displaced without rotation.
- The flux density of such an electric field.
- The unconscious transfer of an intense emotion from one object to another.
- The removal of someone or something by someone or something else which takes their place.
- The component of an electric field due to free separated charges, regardless of any polarizing effects.
- To move something from its natural environment.
- Act of removing from office or employment.
- A reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound.
- A defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one.
- The enforced departure of people from their homes, typically because of war, persecution, or natural disaster.
- (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one.
- The vector representing such a component.
- The act of uniform movement.
- (chemistry) a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound.
- The action of moving something from its place or position.
- The amount by which a thing is moved from a position.
- The occupation by a submerged body or part of a body of a volume which would otherwise be occupied by a fluid.
- The volume swept by a reciprocating system, as in a pump or engine.
- The volume or weight of fluid that would fill the volume displaced by a floating ship, used as a measure of the ship's size.

Synonyms of "Displacement" as a noun (12 Words)
debarment | The state of being debarred (excluded from enjoying certain possessions or rights or practices. They achieved his debarment from holding public office. |
deracination | To move something from its natural environment. |
discharge | A substance that has been discharged. A police permit for discharge of an air gun. |
dismissal | The act of ordering or allowing someone to leave. The dismissal of a batsman. |
displacement reaction | Act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics. |
ejection | The act of expelling or projecting or ejecting. The ejection of troublemakers by the police. |
exclusion | An item or eventuality specifically not covered by an insurance policy or other contract. He had a hand in my exclusion from the committee. |
rejection | (medicine) an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign. His proposals were met with rejection. |
removal | The action of taking away or abolishing something unwanted. He had surgery for the removal of a malignancy. |
shift | The group of people who work during a particular shift. A shift in public opinion. |
supplanting | Act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics. |
translation | A transformation in which the origin of the coordinate system is moved to another position but the direction of each axis remains the same. A photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two dimensional surface. |

Usage Examples of "Displacement" as a noun
- The displacement of farmers by guerrilla activity.
- A displacement of 6.8 metres along the San Andreas fault.
- Males may be able to resist displacement by other males.
- Vertical displacement of the shoreline.
- A fixed displacement gear.
- A displacement of the vertebra at the bottom of the spine.
- The submarine has a surface displacement of 2,185 tons.
- This phobia was linked with the displacement of fear of his father.

Associations of "Displacement" (30 Words)
ache | Feel an intense desire for. My legs ached from the previous day s exercise. |
ambulate | Walk about; not be bedridden or incapable of walking. People who make use of crutches to ambulate. |
bungee | Perform a bungee jump. He bungeed 111 metres from the bridge over the Victoria Falls. |
convulsion | A violent social or political upheaval. Toxic side effects like convulsions. |
fickle | Liable to sudden unpredictable change. Celebs trying to appeal to an increasingly fickle public. |
fidget | A person who fidgets. The child is always fidgeting in his seat. |
hop | A hopping movement. Ex soldiers looking for work hopped freights heading west. |
hurdle | Jump over a hurdle or other obstacle while running. A maze of individual hurdled pens. |
impact | A forceful consequence; a strong effect. The book had an important impact on my thinking. |
jolt | Disturb (someone’s) composure. A surge in the crowd behind him jolted him forwards. |
jump | Of an athlete or horse perform in a competition involving jumping over obstacles. I jumped his saloon from my car s battery. |
leap | Move forward by leaps and bounds. Leap into fame. |
move | Have a turn make one s move in a game. She deftly moved the conversation to safer territory. |
puissance | Great power, influence, or prowess. The puissance of the labor vote. |
replace | Take the place or move into the position of. Ian s smile was replaced by a frown. |
shift | The key on the typewriter keyboard that shifts from lower case letters to upper case letters. You have to shift when you go down a steep hill. |
shifting | Changing position or direction. He drifted into the shifting crowd. |
skip | A light bouncing step a skipping movement. She began to skip down the path. |
spasm | Experience sudden involuntary muscular contractions; twitch convulsively. My body spasmed violently. |
spring | Move rapidly or suddenly from a constrained position by or as if by the action of a spring. The well is fed by mountain springs. |
startle | Move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm. She startled when I walked into the room. |
substitute | Be a substitute. Stewart was the Rovers substitute. |
supplant | Supersede and replace. The computer has supplanted the slide rule. |
twitch | Use a twitch to subdue a horse. The dog twitched his ears. |
unsettled | Not yet settled. She felt edgy and unsettled. |
unstable | Likely to change or fail; not firmly established. Sensitive and highly unstable compounds. |
unsteady | Subject to change or variation. Nathan pushed the mug into her unsteady hand. |
variable | The region of light variable winds to the north of the north east trade winds or in the southern hemisphere between the south east trade winds and the westerlies. A variable capacitor. |
walking | The act of traveling by foot. Walking is a healthy form of exercise. |