Need another word that means the same as “disturb”? Find 26 synonyms and 30 related words for “disturb” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Disturb” are: agitate, commove, raise up, shake up, stir up, vex, touch, trouble, upset, interrupt, disarrange, muddle, rearrange, disorganize, disorder, mix up, interfere with, intrude on, butt in on, barge in on, perturbing, troubling, concerning, perturb, concern, worry
Disturb as a Verb
Definitions of "Disturb" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “disturb” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Interfere with the normal arrangement or functioning of.
- Destroy the peace or tranquility of.
- Move deeply.
- Damage as if by shaking or jarring.
- Make (someone) anxious.
- Change the arrangement or position of.
- Tamper with.
- Interrupt the sleep, relaxation, or privacy of.

Synonyms of "Disturb" as a verb (26 Words)
agitate | Cause to be agitated excited or roused. Agitate the water to disperse the oil. |
barge in on | Push one’s way. |
butt in on | Place end to end without overlapping. |
commove | Cause to be agitated, excited, or roused. |
concern | Be relevant to. I was mainly concerned with making something that children could enjoy. |
concerning | Be on the mind of. |
disarrange | Destroy the arrangement or order of. My son disarranged the papers on my desk. |
disorder | Bring disorder to. She disordered the house to suggest that the killer had been a burglar. |
disorganize | Remove the organization from. Attacks on leading government figures might disorganize the regime. |
interfere with | Get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force. |
interrupt | Break the continuity of (a line or surface. The buzzer interrupted his thoughts. |
intrude on | Search or inquire in a meddlesome way. |
mix up | Open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups. |
muddle | Mix up or confuse. Paul was hopelessly muddled by the rates of exchange. |
perturb | Disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom. She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill. |
perturbing | Throw into great confusion or disorder. |
raise up | Put forward for consideration or discussion. |
rearrange | Change (the position, time, or order of something. He had rearranged his schedule. |
shake up | Get rid of. |
stir up | Affect emotionally. |
touch | Have an effect upon. He could not touch the meaning of the poem. |
trouble | Take the trouble to do something concern oneself. Sorry to trouble you. |
troubling | Move deeply. |
upset | Disturb the digestion of (a person’s stomach. The dam will upset the ecological balance. |
vex | Change the arrangement or position of. Vex the subject of the death penalty. |
worry | Lacerate by biting. I found my dog contentedly worrying a bone. |

Usage Examples of "Disturb" as a verb
- I am disturbed by the document I have just read.
- Don't disturb the patient's wounds by moving him too rapidly!
- Take the rollers out carefully so as not to disturb the curls too much.
- I'll see my patient now and we are not to be disturbed.

Associations of "Disturb" (30 Words)
afflict | (of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely. His younger child was afflicted with a skin disease. |
annoy | Cause annoyance in disturb especially by minor irritations. A gallant Saxon who annoyed this Coast. |
bother | Something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness. The driver didn t bother to ask why. |
bothersome | Causing irritation or annoyance. Aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport. |
disquiet | Disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed. Public disquiet about animal testing. |
disrupt | Make a break in. If an explosion of volcanic steam had formed the crater the blast from below would have disrupted the underlying rock. |
disruptive | Causing or tending to cause disruption. Breaking a disruptive technology into the market is never easy. |
distract | Divert one’s attention from something unpleasant by doing something different or more pleasurable. Horror and doubt distract His troubl d thoughts. |
distracted | Unable to concentrate because one is preoccupied by something worrying or unpleasant. Charlotte seemed too distracted to give him much attention. |
distress | Bring into difficulties or distress especially financial hardship. The patient appeared to be in distress. |
harass | Subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation. This man harasses his female co workers. |
harry | Make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place), as in wartimes. He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked. |
heckle | Comb with a heckle. Heckle hemp or flax. |
inconvenience | To cause inconvenience or discomfort to. The inconvenience of having to change trains. |
incubus | A male demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women. Debt is a big incubus in developing countries. |
interrupt | Obstruct (something, especially a view). The coastal plain is interrupted by chains of large lagoons. |
irk | Irritate; annoy. It irks her to think of the runaround she received. |
irritation | The stimulation of an organism, cell, or organ to produce an active response. The minor irritations of life. |
nuisance | An act which is harmful or offensive to the public or a member of it and for which there is a legal remedy. I hope you re not going to make a nuisance of yourself. |
offend | Break a commonly accepted rule or principle. 17 per cent of viewers said they had been offended by bad language. |
perturb | Disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom. Nuclear weapons could be used to perturb the orbit of an asteroid. |
polemical | Of or involving strongly critical or disputatious writing or speech. A polemical essay. |
ravage | Cause severe and extensive damage to. His face had withstood the ravages of time. |
rile | Make (someone) annoyed or irritated. He has been riled by suggestions that his Arsenal future is in doubt. |
stonewall | An act of delaying or obstructing a person, request, or process. When she doesn t like to face a problem she simply stonewalls. |
trouble | Take the trouble to do something concern oneself. He was not troubled by doubts. |
turbulent | (of air or water) moving unsteadily or violently. The turbulent sea. |
vex | Change the arrangement or position of. I ain t vex with you. |
vexation | Anger produced by some annoying irritation. Jenna bit her lip in vexation. |
worry | Touch or rub constantly. I began to worry whether I had done the right thing. |