Need another word that means the same as “dive”? Find 46 synonyms and 30 related words for “dive” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Dive” are: plunge, plunk, plummet, nosedive, descend, jump, fall, drop, swoop, pitch, swim under water, go under water, submerge, sink, leap, lunge, launch oneself, throw oneself, go headlong, bolt, dart, dash, rush, scurry, nose dive, diving, honkytonk, descent, going down, coming down, spring, dodge, drinking den
Dive as a Noun
Definitions of "Dive" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dive” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A plunge head first into water.
- A headlong plunge into water.
- An instance of swimming or going deeper under water.
- A sudden movement in a specified direction.
- A shabby or sleazy bar or similar establishment.
- A sudden marked fall in prices or profits.
- A steep descent by an aircraft or bird.
- A cheap disreputable nightclub or dance hall.
- A deliberate fall by a player, intended to deceive the referee into awarding a foul.
- A steep nose-down descent by an aircraft.

Synonyms of "Dive" as a noun (22 Words)
bolt | The part of a lock that is engaged or withdrawn with a key. |
coming down | The temporal property of becoming nearer in time. |
dart | A small pointed missile with a feather or plastic flight used in the game of darts. Stitch collarband on to neck edge and stitch darts. |
dash | The act of moving with great haste. He wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer. |
descent | A moral, social, or psychological decline. A descent on the Channel ports. |
diving | An athletic competition that involves diving into water. |
dodge | A sudden quick movement to avoid someone or something. The grant system s widespread use as a tax dodge. |
drinking den | The act of consuming liquids. |
drop | The act of dropping something. The planes finally managed to make the drop. |
fall | The season when the leaves fall from the trees. The fall of the government. |
going down | Advancing toward a goal. |
honkytonk | A cheap disreputable nightclub or dance hall. |
jump | An obstacle to be jumped especially by a horse and rider in an equestrian competition. She will make a sponsored jump at Thruxton Airfield. |
leap | The distance leaped or to be leaped. It doesn t take a great leap of imagination to recognize that you have held an important leadership role. |
lunge | An exercise or gymnastic movement resembling the lunge of a fencer. Lucy made a lunge for Gabriel s wrist. |
nose dive | A natural skill. |
nosedive | A sudden dramatic deterioration. The stock took a nosedive. |
pitch | A delivery of the ball by the pitcher. Her voice rose steadily in pitch. |
plummet | A steep and rapid fall or drop. The bird has a circular display flight followed by an earthward plummet. |
plunge | A swift and drastic fall in value or amount. Fanatics went straight from the hot room to take a cold plunge. |
spring | The ability to spring back strongly elasticity. He will hold office until the spring of next year. |
swoop | A swooping or snatching movement or action. Four members were arrested following a swoop by detectives on their homes. |

Usage Examples of "Dive" as a noun
- She made a dive for the fridge to quench her thirst.
- He hit the sea in a shallow dive.
- A detective story set in the smoky clubs and dive bars of 1940s Los Angeles.
- Divers should have a good intake of fluid before each dive.
- He got into a fight in some dive.
- An 11 per cent dive in profits.
- The jumbo jet went into a dive.

Dive as a Verb
Definitions of "Dive" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dive” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- (of an aircraft or bird) plunge steeply downwards through the air.
- Swim under water.
- Plunge head first into water with one's arms raised over one's head.
- Move quickly or suddenly in a specified direction.
- (of a player) deliberately fall when challenged in order to deceive the referee into awarding a foul.
- (of prices or profits) drop suddenly.
- Plunge into water.
- Swim under water using breathing equipment.
- Drop steeply.
- (of a fish or submarine) go to a deeper level in water.

Synonyms of "Dive" as a verb (24 Words)
bolt | Secure or lock with a bolt. New benefits have been bolted on to the social security system. |
dart | Move along rapidly and lightly skim or dart. She darted across the street. |
dash | Break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over. I must dash I m late. |
descend | Move or fall downwards. He was scrupulous in refusing to descend to misrepresentation. |
drop | Let or cause to fall in drops. Pre tax profits dropped by 37 per cent. |
fall | Descend in free fall under the influence of gravity. All that falls under the general heading of corruption. |
go headlong | To be spent or finished. |
go under water | Move away from a place into another direction. |
jump | Jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute. Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list. |
launch oneself | Set up or found. |
leap | Move forward by leaps and bounds. The widow leapt into the funeral pyre. |
lunge | Make a lunge. McCulloch raised his cudgel and lunged at him. |
nosedive | Of an aircraft make a nosedive. The plane nosedived into the ground and exploded. |
pitch | Set one s voice or a piece of music at a particular pitch. He should pitch his talk at a suitable level for the age group. |
plummet | Fall or drop straight down at high speed. Hardware sales plummeted. |
plunge | Sink (a pot containing a plant) in the ground. The ship plunged through the 20 foot seas. |
plunk | Pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion. I plunked down 14 95 for the new paperback edition. |
rush | Cause to move fast or to rush or race. As soon as the campaign started they rushed into action. |
scurry | (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps. Pedestrians scurried for cover. |
sink | Fall or sink heavily. You can relax on the veranda as the sun sinks low. |
submerge | Completely cover or obscure. The tensions submerged earlier in the campaign now came to the fore. |
swim under water | Travel through water. |
swoop | Seize with a swooping motion. Armed police swooped on a flat after a tip off. |
throw oneself | Get rid of. |

Usage Examples of "Dive" as a verb
- He dived off the bridge for a bet.
- The fish dive down to about 1,400 feet.
- The plane dived as it was buffeted by turbulence at 34,000 ft.
- She walked to the deep end, then she dived in.
- Profits before tax dived by 61 per cent.
- I was afraid to dive from the board into the pool.
- He had been diving in the area to test equipment.
- Stein was booked for diving.
- Arctic skuas which dive at your head as you walk near their territories.
- A bullet passed close to his head and he dived for cover.

Associations of "Dive" (30 Words)
aquatic | An aquatic plant or animal especially one suitable for a pond or aquarium. Boats are aquatic vehicles. |
cascade | Rush down in big quantities like a cascade. A sudden cascade of sparks. |
dip | A thick sauce in which pieces of food are dipped before eating. He dipped into the pool. |
divers | Of varying types; several. A person of diverse talents. |
diving | An athletic competition that involves diving into water. He scored with a diving header. |
drop | A section of theatrical scenery lowered from the flies a drop cloth or drop curtain. A chocolate drop. |
drown | Deliberately kill a person or animal by drowning. They committed suicide by jumping into the sea and drowning themselves. |
engulf | (of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely. The toad can engulf nestling birds. |
fall | Go as if by falling. The fall of the government. |
immerse | Cause to be immersed. He immersed himself into his studies. |
plummet | Decrease rapidly in value or amount. Hardware sales plummeted. |
plunge | Quickly immerse in liquid. He plunged his hands into his pockets. |
pool | Join or form a pool of people. We soon reached the pool at the foot of the waterfall. |
scuba | Scuba diving. I want to do some scuba. |
sea | A roughly definable area of the sea. She scanned the sea of faces for Stephen. |
sink | Fall or sink heavily. They agreed to sink their differences. |
slump | Sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply. The team went into a slump. |
springboard | A platform fixed to the side of a tree and used by a lumberjack when working at some height from the ground. He uses other people s ideas as a springboard for his own. |
submerge | Descend below the surface of an area of water. The U boat had had time to submerge. |
submergence | The process or state of being submerged in or covered with water. Total submergence of plants results in heavy crop losses. |
submerse | Sink below the surface; go under or as if under water. Pellets were then submersed in agar. |
submersible | A small submersible boat or other craft especially one designed for research and exploration. A submersible pump. |
submersion | The act of wetting something by submerging it. Five small islands threatened by submersion. |
subside | Lapse into silence or inactivity. The mud subsides when the waters become calm. |
surfing | The activity of moving from page to page or site to site on the World Wide Web. Why share your internet connection with people surfing and chatting. |
swim | The act of swimming. It was the swimming they enjoyed most. |
swimmer | A sperm cell. The lab technician examining your sample takes a close look at how many of your swimmers are normally shaped. |
swimming | The act of swimming. Swimming eyes. |
underwater | Submerged; flooded. An epidemic of underwater mortgages. |
waterfall | A cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream flows over a precipice or steep incline. Each phase of a waterfall project must be complete prior to moving to the next phase. |