SWIM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SWIM?

Need another word that means the same as “swim”? Find 30 synonyms and 30 related words for “swim” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Swim” are: drown, float, bathe, go swimming, take a dip, dip, splash around, be saturated in, be drenched in, be soaked in, be steeped in, be immersed in, be covered in, be full of, go round, go round and round, whirl, spin, revolve, gyrate, swirl, twirl, turn, wheel, swimming, dive, plunge, splash, paddle

Swim as a Noun

Definitions of "Swim" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “swim” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A pool in a river that is a particularly good spot for fishing.
  • The act of swimming.
  • An act or period of swimming.
  • The act of swimming.

Synonyms of "Swim" as a noun (6 Words)

batheAn act or spell of swimming or spending time in the water.
The Englishman said he had a good bathe.
diveA cheap disreputable nightclub or dance hall.
She made a dive for the fridge to quench her thirst.
paddleA paddle shaped instrument used to administer corporal punishment.
We dug in deep with our paddles.
plungeAn act of jumping or diving into water.
Fanatics went straight from the hot room to take a cold plunge.
splashThe sound like water splashing.
Her red hat gave her outfit a splash of color.
swimmingThe act of swimming.
A swimming instructor.

Usage Examples of "Swim" as a noun

  • We went for a swim in the river.
  • He landed two 5 lb chub from the same swim.
  • It was the swimming they enjoyed most.
  • They took a short swim in the pool.

Swim as a Verb

Definitions of "Swim" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “swim” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Float on or at the surface of a liquid.
  • Cause to float or move across water.
  • Experience a dizzily confusing sensation in one's head.
  • Appear to reel or whirl before one's eyes.
  • Move as if gliding through water.
  • Be immersed in or covered with liquid.
  • Travel through water.
  • Propel the body through water by using the limbs, or (in the case of a fish or other aquatic animal) by using fins, tail, or other bodily movement.
  • Cross (a particular stretch of water) by swimming.
  • Be dizzy or giddy.
  • Be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom.
  • Be covered with or submerged in a liquid.

Synonyms of "Swim" as a verb (24 Words)

batheWash by immersing one’s body in water.
The room was bathed in sunlight.
be covered inSpend or use time.
be drenched inBe identical to; be someone or something.
be full ofSpend or use time.
be immersed inWork in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function.
be saturated inOccupy a certain position or area.
be soaked inTo remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted — used only in infinitive form.
be steeped inHave life, be alive.
dipDip into a liquid while eating.
Dip the sheep.
drownDeliberately kill a person or animal by drowning.
The child drowned in the lake.
floatAllow a currency to float.
A policy of letting the pound float.
go roundBe in the right place or situation.
go round and roundHave a turn; make one’s move in a game.
go swimmingBe abolished or discarded.
gyrateMove or cause to move rapidly in a circle or spiral.
Strippers gyrated to rock music on a low stage.
revolveMove in a circle on a central axis.
Overhead the fan revolved slowly.
spinFish with a spinner.
Spin a coin.
splash aroundDash a liquid upon or against.
swirlMove in a twisting or spiralling pattern.
The smoke was swirling around him.
take a dipRequire (time or space.
turnTo break and turn over earth especially with a plow.
Turn the flour onto a plate.
twirlCause to rotate.
She twirled her fork in the pasta.
wheelPush or pull a vehicle with wheels.
A young woman is wheeled into the operating theatre.
whirlTurn in a twisting or spinning motion.
The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy.

Usage Examples of "Swim" as a verb

  • The drink made his head swim.
  • The Russians were able to swim their infantry carriers across.
  • A big fish was swimming in the tank.
  • My brain is swimming after the bottle of champagne.
  • She swam the Channel.
  • Mashed potatoes swimming in gravy.
  • They swam ashore.
  • The meat was swimming in a fatty gravy.
  • This snake swims through the soil where it lives.
  • He swims thirty lengths twice a week.
  • We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore.
  • Emily rubbed her eyes as the figures swam before her eyes.
  • Bubbles swam on the surface.

Associations of "Swim" (30 Words)

aquaticAn aquatic plant or animal especially one suitable for a pond or aquarium.
Boats are aquatic vehicles.
bathingImmersing the body in water or sunshine.
capsizeOverturn accidentally.
Don t rock the boat or it will capsize.
diveAn instance of swimming or going deeper under water.
A bullet passed close to his head and he dived for cover.
diversOf varying types; several.
A person of diverse talents.
divingThe sport or activity of diving into water from a diving board.
He scored with a diving header.
drownDeliberately kill a person or animal by drowning.
They committed suicide by jumping into the sea and drowning themselves.
fishCatch or try to catch fish or shellfish.
They have a chef who specializes in fish.
flipperThe flat broad limb of aquatic animals specialized for swimming.
floatA hollow or inflated organ enabling an organism such as the Portuguese man of war to float in the water.
The dancer floated across the stage.
freshwaterOf or found in fresh water; not of the sea.
Freshwater and marine fish.
frogHunt frogs for food.
lagoonA small freshwater lake near a larger lake or river.
lakeA large surplus of a liquid commodity.
The EU wine lake.
lochA lake.
Loch Lomond.
poolJoin or form a pool of people.
A secretarial pool.
puddleLine a hole with puddle.
There were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain.
raftTravel on or as if on a raft.
I have rafted along the Rio Grande.
riverA large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea a lake or another river.
The river was navigable for 50 miles.
scubaScuba diving.
I want to do some scuba.
seaA roughly definable area of the sea.
There was still some sea running.
springboardA flexible board for jumping upward.
An economic plan that may be the springboard for recovery.
submersibleA small submersible boat or other craft especially one designed for research and exploration.
A submersible pump.
surfA spell of surfing.
He s learning to surf.
surfingThe sport or pastime of riding a wave towards the shore while standing or lying on a surfboard.
Why share your internet connection with people surfing and chatting.
swimmerA person or animal that swims.
He was an Olympic swimmer.
swimmingThe act of swimming.
Rachel had always loved swimming.
tadpoleThe tailed aquatic larva of an amphibian (frog, toad, newt, or salamander), breathing through gills and lacking legs until the later stages of its development.
tarnA mountain lake (especially one formed by glaciers.
Malham Tarn.
underwaterBeneath the surface of water.
The seal spent a lot of time underwater.

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