DIVIDENDS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DIVIDENDS?

Need another word that means the same as “dividends”? Find 30 related words for “dividends” in this overview.

Associations of "Dividends" (30 Words)

bonusAn extra dividend or issue paid to the shareholders of a company.
Big Christmas bonuses.
cashExchange for cash.
The bank cashed her cheque.
depositThe natural process of laying down a deposit of something.
The deposits of salt on the paintwork.
earningsThe excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses.
They saved a quarter of all their earnings.
emolumentCompensation received by virtue of holding an office or having employment (usually in the form of wages or fees.
The directors emoluments.
financeMonetary support for an enterprise.
The clearing banks are important sources of finance.
impale(of a coat of arms) adjoin (another coat of arms) on the same shield.
The impaled arms of her husband and her father.
incentiveA thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something.
Give farmers an incentive to improve their land.
incomeMoney received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
Figures showed an overall increase in income this year.
investMake an investment.
He stands before you invested in the full canonicals of his calling.
meedA person’s deserved share of praise, honour, etc.
He must extract from her some meed of approbation.
overpaymentPayment in excess of what is due.
A refund for overpayment of tax.
paymentSomething given as a reward or in recompense for something done.
Three interest free monthly payments.
redistributeDistribute anew.
Their primary concern was to redistribute income from rich to poor.
redistributionDistributing again.
Social justice required redistribution of wealth.
refundMoney returned to a payer.
You may be allowed to claim a refund of the tax.
remuneratePay (someone) for services rendered or work done.
They should be remunerated fairly for their work.
remunerationMoney paid for work or a service.
They work in excess of their contracted hours for no additional remuneration.
revenueThe department of the civil service collecting state revenue.
His priority was to raise government revenue and to lower expenditure.
rewardStrengthen and support with rewards.
A slap on the face was his reward for his cheek.
salaryPay a salary to.
The Chinese system salary the doctor and stop his pay when you get ill.
shareholderAn owner of shares in a company.
spikeOf a newspaper editor reject a story by or as if by filing it on a spike.
She spiked another oyster.
stakeMark with a stake.
Bishop Ridley was burned at the stake.
stickIn field hockey the foul play of raising the stick above the shoulder.
The girl was a stick.
thornA thorny bush shrub or tree especially a hawthorn.
He s a thorn in my flesh.
turnoverThe rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced.
An annual turnover of staff as high as 100.
unremunerativeBringing little or no profit or income.
Unremunerative research work.
vatPlace or treat in a vat.
The grapes are vatted for between 15 and 21 days and then aged in small barrels.
wageThe result or effect of doing something considered wrong or unwise.
It is necessary to destroy their capacity to wage war.

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