DOE EYED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DOE EYED?

Need another word that means the same as “doe eyed”? Find 30 related words for “doe eyed” in this overview.

Associations of "Doe eyed" (30 Words)

askanceWith an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval.
A waiter looked askance at his jeans.
beholdSee or observe (someone or something, especially of remarkable or impressive nature.
Behold Christ.
blinkTry to control or prevent tears by blinking.
The government blinked only after losing 46 of the first 48 hearings.
browseReading superficially or at random.
This book is a useful browse for a new worker in the field.
deerA hoofed grazing or browsing animal, with branched bony antlers that are shed annually and typically borne only by the male.
eyelidEach of the upper and lower folds of skin which cover the eye when closed.
gazeLook steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.
He turned following her gaze.
leerA suggestive or sneering look or grin.
He gave me a sly leer.
lookAn expression of a feeling or thought by looking.
She looked her devotion to me.
macroscopicRelating to large-scale or general analysis.
observingQuick to notice; showing quick and keen perception.
ocularOf or relating to or resembling the eye.
Ocular muscles.
opticA lens or other optical component in an optical instrument.
The optic or optical axis of the eye.
optical(of a device) requiring electromagnetic radiation for its operation.
An optical illusion.
perceptualRelating to the ability to interpret or become aware of something through the senses.
A patient with perceptual problems who cannot judge distances.
searchingThoroughly scrutinizing, especially in a disconcerting way.
Searching insights.
seeSee and understand have a good eye.
I ll probably see you at the meeting.
sensoryOf a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system.
The sensory cortex.
sidelongWith the side toward someone or something- Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Shot out sidelong boughs.
sightTake a detailed visual measurement of something with or as with a sight.
Tell me when you sight London Bridge.
sneerA facial expression of contempt or scorn; the upper lip curls.
She sneered her contempt.
spectacleA blunder that makes you look ridiculous used in the phrase make a spectacle of yourself.
The tragic spectacle of cripples trying to escape.
squintBe cross eyed have a squint or strabismus.
The squint bottom edge of the puzzle.
stareFixate one’s eyes.
She tried hard not to stare.
telescopicRelating to or made with a telescope.
There are interesting telescopic objects in Bo tes.
visibleVisible imports or exports.
Visible files.
visionThe images seen on a television screen.
A utopian vision of society.
visualVisible- Shakespeare.
A visual presentation.
watchA person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event.
The woman with a piercing shriek called the watch.
winkAn act of winking.
Barney gave him a knowing wink.

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