Need another word that means the same as “earn”? Find 27 synonyms and 30 related words for “earn” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Earn” are: bring in, clear, gain, make, pull in, realise, realize, take in, garner, win, be paid, receive a salary of, take home, take home earnings of, gross, net, make a profit of, realize a profit of, pocket, deserve, merit, warrant, justify, be entitled to, be worthy of, be deserving of, have a right to
Earn as a Verb
Definitions of "Earn" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “earn” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- (of an activity) cause (someone) to obtain (money.
- Earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages.
- (of capital invested) gain (money) as interest or profit.
- Obtain (money) in return for labour or services.
- Gain deservedly in return for one's behaviour or achievements.
- Acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions.

Synonyms of "Earn" as a verb (27 Words)
be deserving of | Happen, occur, take place. |
be entitled to | Spend or use time. |
be paid | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
be worthy of | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
bring in | Bring into a different state. |
clear | Grant authorization or clearance for. I would hope to clear 50 000 profit from each match. |
deserve | Do something or have or show qualities worthy of (a reaction which rewards or punishes as appropriate. You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you have done. |
gain | Earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages. I have gained weight over the years. |
garner | Assemble or get together. The crop was ready to be reaped and garnered. |
gross | Produce or earn an amount of money as gross profit or income. The film went on to gross 8 million. |
have a right to | Have sex with; archaic use. |
justify | Show to be right by providing justification or proof. Justify the margins. |
make | Make by combining materials and parts. Make a mistake. |
make a profit of | Appear to begin an activity. |
merit | Deserve or be worthy of (reward, punishment, or attention. The results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation. |
net | Make as a net profit. Customs officials have netted large caches of drugs. |
Enclose as though in a pocket. The fillings can be pocketed in a pitta bread. | |
pull in | Strip of feathers. |
realise | Be fully aware or cognizant of. |
realize | Give actual or physical form to. He realized his mistake at once. |
realize a profit of | Expand or complete (a part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass. |
receive a salary of | Regard favorably or with disapproval. |
take home | Interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression. |
take home earnings of | Receive willingly something given or offered. |
take in | Take into one s possession. |
warrant | Provide adequate grounds to justify (a certain course of action. The dealer warrants all the cars he sells. |
win | Be the winner in a contest or competition be victorious. A determination to win through against all the odds. |

Usage Examples of "Earn" as a verb
- The dollars can be placed on deposit and earn interest.
- I earned £10 an hour working in the shop.
- Through the years she has earned affection and esteem.
- She earns a lot in her new job.
- He earns his living as a lorry driver.
- This latest win earned them $50,000 in prize money.

Associations of "Earn" (30 Words)
accessibility | The quality of being easy to obtain or use. The restoration project involved repairing the roof and improving accessibility. |
accessible | Capable of being read with comprehension. Making learning opportunities more accessible to adults. |
acquire | Come to have (a particular reputation) as a result of one’s behaviour or activities. I acquired a strong aversion to television. |
acquired | Gotten through environmental forces. Acquired characteristics such as a suntan or a broken nose cannot be passed on. |
acquirement | An ability that has been acquired by training. The acquirement of self control. |
acquisition | A purchase of one company by another. Western culture places a high value on material acquisition. |
assets | Anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company. |
attainable | Able to be attained; achievable. Choose an attainable goal. |
available | Not busy; not otherwise committed. The nurse is only available at certain times. |
buy | Be a buyer for a store or firm. The stock was a real buy at that price. |
deserved | Properly deserved. A deserved victory. |
earned | Gained or acquired; especially through merit or as a result of effort or action. An earned run in baseball. |
gain | The amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input. Shares gained for the third day in a row. |
garner | Store; deposit. The police struggled to garner sufficient evidence. |
get | Take vengeance on or get even. His lying really gets me. |
glean | Gather (leftover grain) after a harvest. Objects gleaned from local markets. |
have | Have ownership or possession of. Have you got a job yet. |
income | The financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time. Figures showed an overall increase in income this year. |
obtain | Come into possession of. The price of silver fell to that obtaining elsewhere in the ancient world. |
obtainable | Able to be obtained. Savings of up to 50 percent are obtainable. |
own | Have ownership or possession of. She makes her own clothes. |
procure | Get by special effort. He procured his wife to sign the mandate for the joint account. |
procurement | The action or occupation of acquiring military equipment and supplies. The company s procurements from foreign firms. |
purchase | Obtain by purchase acquire by means of a financial transaction. The large number of videos currently available for purchase. |
reap | Cut or gather (a crop or harvest. Many men were employed to reap the harvest. |
regain | Get or find back; recover the use of. She regained control of herself. |
riches | An abundance of material possessions and resources. Riches beyond their wildest dreams. |
secure | Free from fear or doubt; easy in mind. Secure from harm. |
trait | A distinguishing feature of your personal nature. Breeders were installing some trait that allowed the crop to thrive. |
wangle | An instance of accomplishing something by scheming or trickery. I think we should be able to wangle it so that you can start tomorrow. |