EARNED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EARNED?

Need another word that means the same as “earned”? Find 30 related words for “earned” in this overview.

Associations of "Earned" (30 Words)

acquireTake on a certain form, attribute, or aspect.
I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese.
acquiredGotten through environmental forces.
Acquired characteristics such as a suntan or a broken nose cannot be passed on.
allowancePut on a fixed allowance as of food.
He objected to the allowance of smoking in the dining room.
amnestyA warrant granting release from punishment for an offense.
An amnesty for political prisoners.
assetsAnything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company.
collegeThe teaching staff and students of a college considered collectively.
Colleges of further education.
degreeSocial or official rank.
The lowered third degree of the scale.
deservedProperly deserved.
A deserved standing ovation.
diplomaA document certifying the successful completion of a course of study.
dissertationA long essay on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree or diploma.
A dissertation on the novels of the Bront sisters.
doctoralOf or relating to a doctor or doctorate.
A doctoral thesis.
doctorateOne of the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university.
A doctorate in art history.
earnEarn on some commercial or business transaction earn as salary or wages.
Through the years she has earned affection and esteem.
gainIncrease in value.
She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising.
incomeMoney received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
Figures showed an overall increase in income this year.
inheritanceHereditary succession to a title or an office or property.
My only inheritance was my mother s blessing.
legalizationThe act of making lawful.
Calls for the legalization of cannabis.
meritedProperly deserved.
A merited success.
musicologyThe study of music as an academic subject, as distinct from training in performance or composition; scholarly research into music.
overpaymentA payment larger than needed or expected.
He received 20 000 in benefit overpayments.
phdA doctorate usually based on at least 3 years graduate study and a dissertation; the highest degree awarded graduate study.
procurePersuade or cause (someone) to do something.
He haunted railway stations to procure young girls for immoral purposes.
propertyShares or investments in property.
The president was concerned about the property across from the White House.
recognitionAcknowledgement of the existence, validity, or legality of something.
Territorial disputes were resolved in Guatemala s recognition of Belize in 1991.
richesValuable or abundant resources.
Riches beyond their wildest dreams.
scholarshipAcademic study or achievement; learning at a high level.
He went on a state sponsored scholarship to study engineering.
stipendA sum of money allotted on a regular basis; usually for some specific purpose.
thesisAn unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument.
A doctoral thesis.
traitA distinguishing feature of your personal nature.
The traditionally British trait of self denigration.
vatPlace or treat in a vat.
A vat of hot tar.

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