EATEN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EATEN?

Need another word that means the same as “eaten”? Find 30 related words for “eaten” in this overview.

Associations of "Eaten" (30 Words)

appetiteA strong desire or liking for something.
Her appetite for life.
bite(of a policy or situation) take effect, with unpleasant consequences.
By four o clock he still hadn t had a single bite.
champA biting or chewing action.
He champed on his sandwich.
chompA chewing noise or action.
She chomped on a roll.
cravingA powerful desire for something.
A craving for chocolate.
dinnerA party of people assembled to have dinner together.
The annual graduation dinner.
edibleFit or suitable to be eaten.
The farm grows a variety of tropical plants yielding an amazing assortment of fruits and other edibles.
epicureanOf Epicurus or epicureanism.
An epicurean banquet.
famishedExtremely hungry.
I m famished is there anything to eat.
fatContaining or composed of fat.
Some 40 per cent of our daily calories are derived from dietary fats.
flavourA substance used to alter or enhance the taste of food or drink a flavouring.
Whitewashed walls and red roof tiles gave the resort a Mediterranean flavour.
foodAny substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue.
They had eaten their food and slept.
gastronomeA gourmet.
Gastronomes will be fascinated by this guide to French cooking.
gluttonMusteline mammal of northern Eurasia.
He s a glutton for adventure.
gobbleUse a large amount of (something) very quickly.
This small department was gobbled up by the Ministry of Transport.
gourmandA person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess.
gourmetOf a kind or standard suitable for a gourmet.
A gourmet meal.
hungryHaving a strong desire or craving.
Hungry for recognition.
insatiableOf a person having an insatiable appetite or desire for something especially sex.
An insatiable demand for old buildings to restore.
mealThe food eaten during a meal.
The evening meal.
nipA small sharp bite or snip.
He nipped off a length of wire with the cutters.
palatableAcceptable to the taste or mind.
Palatable food.
raveningExcessively greedy and grasping.
Ravening creditors.
ravenousDevouring or craving food in great quantities.
I d been out all day and was ravenous.
savorDerive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in.
Savor the soup.
tantalizeExcite the senses or desires of (someone.
She still tantalized him.
tasteThe sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus.
She had never tasted ice cream before.
thirstHave a craving, appetite, or great desire for.
Tens of thousands died of thirst and starvation.
unquenchableNot able to be quenched.
Unquenchable thirst.
voraciousWanting or devouring great quantities of food.
She s a voracious reader.

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