ELUDED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ELUDED?

Need another word that means the same as “eluded”? Find 30 related words for “eluded” in this overview.

Associations of "Eluded" (30 Words)

apophasisMentioning something by saying it will not be mentioned.
avertPrevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening.
Talks failed to avert a rail strike.
avoidRefrain from certain foods or beverages.
This route avoids downtown Boston.
bypassAn alternative channel created during a bypass operation.
The town has been bypassed.
circumventDeceive; outwit.
He s circumvented her with some of his stories.
deflect(of an object) change direction after hitting something.
The ball deflected off Knight s body.
derailCause (a train or tram) to leave its tracks accidentally.
They had planned to derail the trains that carried atomic waste.
detourAvoid by taking a detour.
I would detour the endless stream of motor homes.
dodge(of a bell in change-ringing) move one place contrary to the normal sequence, and then back again in the following round.
The grant system s widespread use as a tax dodge.
escapeBe incomprehensible to escape understanding by.
He drove along the dual carriageway to escape police.
eschewDeliberately avoid using; abstain from.
He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence.
evadeEscape paying (tax or duty), especially by illegitimate presentation of one’s finances.
This difficult idea seems to evade her.
fastUnwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause.
The journey was fast and enjoyable.
fleeRun away from a place or situation of danger.
He was forced to flee the country.
forfendProtect (something) by precautionary measures.
The sacrifice of Mississippi was forfended against even the treason of Wilkinson.
hintDrop a hint intimate by a hint.
A hint mockery in her manner.
horrifiedStricken with horror.
The horrified spectators.
migrantTending to migrate or having migrated.
Appalled by the social conditions of migrant life.
oncomingDue to happen soon.
The oncoming winter.
ostracize(in ancient Greece) banish (an unpopular or overly powerful citizen) from a city for five or ten years by popular vote.
Ever since I spoke up my colleagues ostracize me.
outrunRun faster than.
Their one chance was to outrun their pursuers.
parryAn act of parrying something.
Her question met with a polite parry.
quickAt a fast rate quickly.
Quick of foot.
refugeeA person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
A refugee camp.
shamblesA butcher’s slaughterhouse (archaic except in place names.
The shambles where the animals were slaughtered.
shunAvoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of.
He shunned fashionable society.
sidestepAvoid (someone or something) by stepping sideways.
A boxercise workout that incorporates an intricate combination of sidesteps with left and right hooks.
undiagnosedNot diagnosed or having been subject to diagnosis.
Some patients have diseases that go undiagnosed and therefore untreated.
veer(of the wind) change direction clockwise around the points of the compass.
The wind veered a point.
volleyMake a volley.
Volley a string of curses.

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