Need another word that means the same as “encapsulates”? Find 3 synonyms and 30 related words for “encapsulates” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Encapsulates” are: capsule, capsulise, capsulize
Encapsulates as a Verb
Definitions of "Encapsulates" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “encapsulates” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume.
- Enclose in a capsule or other small container.

Synonyms of "Encapsulates" as a verb (3 Words)
capsule | Enclose in a capsule. |
capsulise | Put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume. |
capsulize | Put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume. He was able to capsulize views on the referendum. |

Associations of "Encapsulates" (30 Words)
abbreviate | Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements. Network is often abbreviated to net. |
abbreviated | (of clothing) very short. An abbreviated swimsuit. |
abbreviation | The process of abbreviating something. SKU is the abbreviation for Stock Keeping Unit. |
abridge | Shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense. The introduction is abridged from the author s afterword to the novel. |
abridgment | A shortened version of a written work. |
bowdlerize | Edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate. Bowdlerize a novel. |
brief | Instruct a barrister by brief. He cannot be too highly recommended if he is free and will take the brief. |
briefly | For a short time; fleetingly. Briefly we have a problem. |
concisely | In a concise manner; in a few words. The history is summed up concisely in this book. |
condensation | (psychoanalysis) an unconscious process whereby two ideas or images combine into a single symbol; especially in dreams. The inside of the cab steamed up with condensation. |
contraction | A shortening or tensing of a part or organ (especially of a muscle or muscle fiber. Won t is a contraction of will not. |
curtail | Place restrictions on. Curtail drinking in school. |
diminish | Lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of. The trial has aged and diminished him. |
elision | The omission of a sound or syllable when speaking (as in I’m, let’s. The shortening of words by elision. |
expurgate | Remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from (a text or account. Editors heavily expurgated the novel before its initial publication. |
haircut | An act of cutting a person’s hair. He s always very particular about his haircut. |
minimize | Represent as less significant or important. They may minimize or even overlook the importance of such beliefs. |
outline | Draw up an outline or sketch for something. The chalked outline of a human body. |
precis | Make a precis of a text or speech. |
profile | Represent in profile by drawing or painting. Skilfully made vessels with an S shaped profile. |
reduce | Reduce in size reduce physically. He reduced his grandees to due obedience. |
resume | Take or put on again. Resume an office. |
retrench | Make a reduction, as in one’s workforce. Right wing parties which seek to retrench the welfare state. |
short | A short circuit. Short skirts. |
shorten | Make short or shorter. In winter the days shorten. |
shrink | Become or make smaller in size or amount. Can you shrink this image. |
shrinkage | The amount by which something shrinks. Shrinkage is the retail trade s euphemism for shoplifting. |
summarize | Give a summary (of. The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper. |
summary | Performed speedily and without formality. A summary of Chapter Three. |
synopsis | A brief summary or general survey of something. A synopsis of the insurance cover provided is set out below. |