ENCASED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ENCASED?

Need another word that means the same as “encased”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “encased” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Encased” are: cased, incased

Encased as an Adjective

Definitions of "Encased" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “encased” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Covered or protected with or as if with a case.

Synonyms of "Encased" as an adjective (2 Words)

casedCovered or protected with or as if with a case.
Products encased in leatherette.
incasedCovered or protected with or as if with a case.

Usage Examples of "Encased" as an adjective

  • Products encased in leatherette.

Associations of "Encased" (30 Words)

absolutelyWith no qualification, restriction, or limitation; totally.
He absolutely adores that car.
altogetherWith everything considered (and neglecting details.
It was not altogether her fault.
collectivelyAs a group; as a whole.
The vast range of resources that the American people collectively own.
completelyTotally; utterly.
It was completely different from what we expected.
compriseMake up or constitute (a whole.
The land he conquered comprised several provinces.
conclusivelyIn a way that is achieved easily or by a large margin.
I have shown conclusively that there was no such epidemic.
coverThe protective covering on the front back and spine of a book.
He covered left field.
coveringThe act of protecting something by covering it.
A vinyl floor covering.
decisivelyIn a manner that settles an issue convincingly or produces a definite result.
Samples from his body proved decisively that he was poisoned.
encircleForm a circle around; surround.
The town is encircled by fortified walls.
encloseEnclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering.
The lamp was enclosed in a frosted glass globe.
encompassInclude in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory.
This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds.
entirelyWithout any others being included or involved.
The traffic seemed to consist entirely of black cabs.
envelop(of troops) surround (an enemy force.
Fog enveloped the house.
environSurround; enclose.
The stone circle was environed by an expanse of peat soil.
filledOf purchase orders that have been filled.
Theirs was a house filled with laughter.
genericLacking imagination or individuality; predictable and unoriginal.
Substituting generics for brand name drugs.
includeSpecifically exclude someone from a group or activity.
The price includes dinner bed and breakfast.
perfectlyIn a perfect or faultless way.
Perfectly clean glass bottles.
sealAffix a seal to.
Seal the letter.
securelyIn a fixed or stable manner.
He is securely employed.
shroudForm a cover like a shroud.
They operate behind a shroud of secrecy.
The dragoons were stark fellows.
surroundThe area encircling something surroundings.
The hotel is surrounded by its own gardens.
thoroughlyCompletely and absolutely good is sometimes used informally for thoroughly.
He searched the house thoroughly.
totallyUsed to emphasize a clause or statement.
A totally new situation.
undeniablyUsed to emphasize that something cannot be denied or disputed.
The results were undeniably impressive.
utterlyCompletely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers.
He looked utterly ridiculous.
vestedFixed and absolute and without contingency.
A vested right.
whollyTo a complete degree or to the full or entire extent whole is often used informally for wholly.
She found herself given over wholly to sensation.

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