Need another word that means the same as “entertained”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “entertained” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Entertained” are: amused, diverted
Entertained as an Adjective
Definitions of "Entertained" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “entertained” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Pleasantly occupied.

Synonyms of "Entertained" as an adjective (2 Words)
amused | Pleasantly occupied. People looked on with amused curiosity. |
diverted | Pleasantly occupied. |

Associations of "Entertained" (30 Words)
agreeably | In an enjoyable manner. An agreeably warm day. |
amuse | Make (somebody) laugh. He made faces to amuse her. |
blessedness | The state of being blessed with divine favour. |
cheer | Cause somebody to feel happier or more cheerful. MPs rose to cheer the Chancellor. |
cordially | In a warm and friendly way. He was cordially detested for his brutality and injustice. |
delectation | Pleasure and delight. They had all manner of rock n roll goodies for our delectation. |
delight | Take delight in. The trees here are a delight. |
disport | Play boisterously. They disport as they please. |
ecstasy | Street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine. There was a look of ecstasy on his face. |
enjoy | Derive or receive pleasure from get enjoyment from take pleasure in. The industry enjoyed a boom. |
enjoyable | (of an activity or occasion) giving delight or pleasure. The company was enjoyable. |
euphoria | A feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation. In his euphoria he had become convinced he could defeat them. |
exult | Feel or show triumphant elation or jubilation. Exulting in her escape Lisa closed the door behind her. |
exultant | Triumphantly happy. He waved to the exultant crowds. |
gaiety | A festive merry feeling. The sudden gaiety of children s laughter. |
glad | Cheerful and bright. Albion s lessening shore could grieve or glad mine eye. |
gladden | Make glad or happy. The high childish laugh was a sound that gladdened her heart. |
gratify | Yield (to); give satisfaction to. Not all the sexual impulses can be gratified. |
happiness | The state of being happy. Tom s heart swelled with happiness. |
joviality | A jovial nature. |
joy | A thing that causes joy. The joys of country living. |
merriment | Gaiety and fun. Her eyes sparkled with merriment. |
mirth | Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. His six foot frame shook with mirth. |
please | Take only one’s own wishes into consideration in deciding how to act or proceed. Feel free to wander around as you please. |
pleasure | Derive enjoyment from. He took his pleasure of her. |
rapture | A state of elated bliss. The tabloids went into raptures about her. |
regale | Lavishly supply (someone) with food or drink. He regaled her with a colourful account of that afternoon s meeting. |
rejoice | Cause joy to. I love to rejoice their poor Hearts at this season. |
serve | Serve a purpose role or function. The minister served the King for many years. |
treat | Provide treatment for. The two were treated for cuts and bruises. |