ENTRANCED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ENTRANCED?

Need another word that means the same as “entranced”? Find 5 synonyms and 30 related words for “entranced” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Entranced” are: beguiled, captivated, charmed, delighted, enthralled

Entranced as an Adjective

Definitions of "Entranced" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “entranced” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Filled with wonder and delight.

Synonyms of "Entranced" as an adjective (5 Words)

beguiledFilled with wonder and delight.
captivatedFilled with wonder and delight.
charmedStrongly attracted.
I felt that I had a charmed life.
delightedGreatly pleased.
We were delighted to see her.
enthralledFilled with wonder and delight.

Associations of "Entranced" (30 Words)

admittanceThe act of admitting someone to enter.
People were unable to gain admittance to the hall.
allureDispose or incline or entice to.
People for whom gold holds no allure.
appealApply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.
She appealed to Germany for political asylum.
attractBe attractive to.
I was attracted to the idea of working for a ballet company.
attractionA characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts.
The church is the town s main tourist attraction.
attractive(of a person) appealing to look at; sexually alluring.
A stunningly attractive charismatic man.
beguileAttract; cause to be enamored.
To beguile some of the time they went to the cinema.
cachetA seal on a letter.
Special cachets are applied to cards sold at the stands.
captivateAttract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.
He was captivated by her beauty.
charismaA divinely conferred power or talent.
He has tremendous charisma and stage presence.
charmInduce into action by using one s charm.
She charmed him into giving her all his money.
enchantCast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something.
You have been enchanted by some spirits.
enthrallHold spellbound.
entreeAn entrance, especially a theatrical entrance onto a stage or as if onto a stage.
She made a graceful entree into the ballroom.
fascinateTo render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe.
The snake charmer fascinates the cobra.
gateControl with a valve or other device that functions like a gate.
They were opening the gates of their country wide to the enemy.
gatewayA place regarded as giving access to another place.
Mombasa the gateway to East Africa.
hypnotizeProduce a state of hypnosis in (someone.
A witness had been hypnotized to enhance his memory.
invitingAttractive and tempting.
The sea down there looks so inviting.
magicianA person with exceptional skill in a particular area.
He was the magician of the fan belt.
mesmerizeInduce hypnosis in.
He was mesmerized when at the point of death.
portalA short vein that carries blood into the liver.
Many healthcare providers already utilize portals through which a patient can access test results.
seductionA tempting or attractive thing.
If seduction doesn t work she can play on his sympathy.
seductiveTempting and attractive; enticing.
A seductive voice.
spellbindTo render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe.
The singer held the audience spellbound.
temptingVery pleasantly inviting.
A tempting invitation.
trancePut into a trance.
She put him into a light trance.
venousOf or contained in or performing the function of the veins.
wileLure; entice.
The devious wiles of the politicians.
windowA space behind the window of a shop where goods are displayed for sale.
He stuck his head in the window.

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