ENVIABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ENVIABLE?

Need another word that means the same as “enviable”? Find 11 synonyms and 30 related words for “enviable” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Enviable” are: desirable, attractive, sought-after, desired, admirable, fortunate, lucky, favoured, blessed, worth having, excellent

Enviable as an Adjective

Definitions of "Enviable" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “enviable” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Arousing or likely to arouse envy.
  • Causing envy.

Synonyms of "Enviable" as an adjective (11 Words)

admirableArousing or deserving respect and approval.
Among her many admirable qualities are generosity and graciousness.
attractivePleasing or appealing to the senses.
An attractive village.
blessedRoman Catholic proclaimed one of the blessed and thus worthy of veneration.
A blessed time.
desirableWorthy of being chosen especially as a spouse.
A desirable outcome.
desiredStrongly wished for or intended.
The bribe had its desired effect.
excellentVery good; of the highest quality.
Made an excellent speech.
favouredPreferred or recommended.
The most favoured destination of visitors to Canada.
fortunateSupremely favored.
A most fortunate match for our daughter.
luckyOccurring by chance.
You had a very lucky escape.
sought-afterBeing searched for.
worth havingHaving a specified value.

Usage Examples of "Enviable" as an adjective

  • An enviable position.
  • The firm is in the enviable position of having a full order book.

Associations of "Enviable" (30 Words)

advertiseCall attention to.
For every job we advertise we get a hundred applicants.
blazonDescribe or depict (armorial bearings) in a correct heraldic manner.
Accounts of their ordeal were blazoned to the entire nation.
blowhardA boastful or pompous person.
Blowhard politicians.
blusterA swaggering show of courage.
The flames blustered.
boastShow off.
The hotel boasts high standards of comfort.
boastfulExhibiting self-importance.
A boastful letter.
bombastHigh-sounding language with little meaning, used to impress people.
The bombast of gung ho militarism.
bragAn instance of boastful talk.
His brag is worse than his fight.
braggadocioBoastful or arrogant behaviour.
braggartA person who boasts about their achievements or possessions.
Braggart men.
braggingExhibiting or characterized by excessive pride or boastfulness.
A little honest bragging doesn t hurt anyone.
bravadoA bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
He possesses none of the classic wheeler dealer s casual bravado.
condescendingHaving or showing an attitude of patronizing superiority.
She thought the teachers were arrogant and condescending.
crowExpress pleasure verbally.
She crowed with joy.
desirableA desirable person or thing.
It is desirable to check that nothing has been forgotten.
displayAttract attention by displaying some body part or posing of animals.
Made a display of strength.
esteemThe condition of being honored esteemed or respected or well regarded.
He was held in high esteem by colleagues.
exaggerationThe action of making exaggerations.
It would be an exaggeration to say I had morning sickness but I did feel queasy.
flippancyInappropriate levity.
She was infuriated by his careless flippancy.
gasconadeShow off.
Whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade.
pontificateTalk in a dogmatic and pompous manner.
The new professor always pontificates.
prideBe proud of.
In the pride of youth.
proudOf an event achievement etc causing someone to feel proud.
Balls standing proud of the fabric.
proudlyIn an imposing manner; splendidly.
Ray watched proudly from the sidelines as his son won the singles title.
raffishMarked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners.
A cocktail party given by some raffish bachelors.
reputationThe state of being held in high esteem and honor.
His knowledge of his subject earned him a reputation as an expert.
strutBrace something with a strut or struts.
That old confident strut and swagger has returned.
swaggerA very confident and arrogant or self-important gait or manner.
They strolled around the camp with an exaggerated swagger.
vauntShow off.
An autobiographer is simultaneously vaunted and castigated for revealing more than is deemed proper.

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