EQUIP: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EQUIP?

Need another word that means the same as “equip”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “equip” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Equip” are: fit, fit out, outfit, provide, furnish, supply, issue, rig out, deck out, stock, provision, arm, prepare, qualify, suit, endow

Equip as a Verb

Definitions of "Equip" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “equip” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose.
  • Supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose.
  • Provide with abilities or understanding.
  • Prepare (someone) mentally for a particular situation or task.

Synonyms of "Equip" as a verb (16 Words)

armSupply with arms.
The U S armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan.
deck outBe beautiful to look at.
endowFurnish with an endowment.
He was endowed with tremendous physical strength.
fitBe the right size or shape fit correctly or as desired.
Those jeans still fit me.
fit outMake correspond or harmonize.
furnishBe a source of; provide.
Fish furnish an important source of protein.
issuePrepare and issue for public distribution or sale.
Issue a new uniform to the children.
outfitProvide with a set of clothes.
Warders outfitted in special suits.
preparePrepare for eating by applying heat.
She took time off to prepare for her exams.
provideMake a possibility or provide opportunity for permit to be attainable or cause to remain.
This procedure provides for lots of leeway.
provisionSupply with provisions.
The provisioning of US ships.
qualifyOfficially recognize or establish (someone) as a practitioner of a particular profession or activity.
The courses qualify you as an instructor of the sport.
rig outConnect or secure to.
stockProvide or furnish with a stock of something.
Stock a farm.
suitAccord or comport with.
This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman.
supplyTake over (a vacant place or role.
When she died no one could supply her place.

Usage Examples of "Equip" as a verb

  • They equipped themselves for the campaign.
  • The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities.
  • I don't think he's equipped for the modern age.
  • She was never equipped to be a dancer.
  • All bedrooms are equipped with a colour TV.

Associations of "Equip" (30 Words)

adduceCite as evidence.
A number of factors are adduced to explain the situation.
apparelClothing in general.
They were dressed in bright apparel.
attireBe dressed in clothes of a specified kind.
Lady Agatha was attired in an elaborate evening gown.
caparisonPut a caparison on.
Caparison the horses for the festive occasion.
caterProvide food and drink for (an event.
He catered a lunch for 20 people.
closetA small private room for study or prayer.
He was closeted with the king.
clothedWearing or provided with clothing; sometimes used in combination.
A partially clothed body.
He always bought his clothes at the same store.
clothingClothes collectively.
Bring warm clothing and waterproofs.
costumeA swimming costume.
Authentic Elizabethan costumes.
donTeacher at a university or college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford.
The princess donned a long blue dress.
dressDress in a certain manner.
She likes to dress when going to the opera.
dressedDressed or clothed especially in fine attire often used in combination.
A fine frontage in red brick with dressed white stone on the facings.
furnishProvide or equip with furniture.
The proprietor has furnished the bedrooms in a variety of styles.
outfitA complete set of equipment needed for a particular purpose.
An obscure 1970s country rock outfit.
panoplyAn extensive or impressive collection.
I leaned forward to take in the full panoply of tourist London.
provideMake a possibility or provide opportunity for permit to be attainable or cause to remain.
We provided the room with an electrical heater.
purveySupply with provisions.
Shops purveying cooked food.
refuelSupply (a vehicle) with more fuel.
The authorities agreed to refuel the plane.
renderTo surrender someone or something to another.
Render fat in a casserole.
replenishRestore (a stock or supply) to a former level or condition.
He replenished Justin s glass with mineral water.
restockReplenish (a store) with fresh stock or supplies.
Work began at once to restock the fishery.
rigProvide a sailing boat with sails and rigging.
The stronger the wind the later you release the rig.
setupEquipment designed to serve a specific function.
It takes time to learn the setup around here.
skimpyProviding or consisting of less than is needed; meagre.
A skimpy dress.
suitA lawsuit.
The family brought suit against the landlord.
supplyThe activity of supplying or providing something.
The two reservoirs supply about 1 of the city s needs.
togaA loose flowing outer garment worn by the citizens of ancient Rome, made of a single piece of cloth and covering the whole body apart from the right arm.
uniformedWearing a uniform.
Uniformed policemen lined the President s route.
wearHave in one s aspect wear an expression of one s attitude or personality.
You need to make a deduction for wear and tear on all your belongings.

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