Need another word that means the same as “qualify”? Find 46 synonyms and 30 related words for “qualify” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Qualify” are: dispose, condition, specify, stipulate, measure up, characterise, characterize, modify, be eligible, meet the requirements, count, be counted, be considered, be designated, be characterizable, certificated, licensed, gain qualifications, gain certification, be certified, be licensed, be authorized, authorize, allow, permit, license, empower, fit, equip, prepare, arm, make ready, train, upskill, educate, coach, teach, bounded, guarded, limit, make conditional, restrict, add reservations to, add to, make additions to, add a rider to
Qualify as a Verb
Definitions of "Qualify" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “qualify” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Make (a statement or assertion) less absolute; add reservations to.
- Attribute a specified quality to something; describe something as.
- Make (someone) competent or knowledgeable enough to do something.
- Alter the strength or flavour of (something, especially a liquid.
- (of a word or phrase) attribute a quality to (another word, especially a preceding noun).
- Make more specific.
- Describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of.
- Officially recognize or establish (someone) as a practitioner of a particular profession or activity.
- Be or make properly entitled to be classed in a particular way.
- Specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement.
- Become officially recognized as a practitioner of a particular profession or activity, typically by undertaking a course and passing examinations.
- Prove capable or fit; meet requirements.
- Pronounce fit or able.
- Add a modifier to a constituent.
- Be entitled to a particular benefit or privilege by fulfilling a necessary condition.
- Make (something) less severe or extreme.
- Become eligible for a competition or its final rounds, by reaching a certain standard or defeating a competitor.
- Make fit or prepared.

Synonyms of "Qualify" as a verb (46 Words)
add a rider to | Bestow a quality on. |
add reservations to | Constitute an addition. |
add to | Make an addition by combining numbers. |
allow | Allow or plan for a certain possibility concede the truth or validity of something. Income rose by 11 per cent allowing for inflation. |
arm | Supply with arms. The U S armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan. |
authorize | Grant authorization or clearance for. The troops were authorized to use force. |
be authorized | Have an existence, be extant. |
be certified | Have an existence, be extant. |
be characterizable | Be priced at. |
be considered | Have an existence, be extant. |
be counted | To remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted — used only in infinitive form. |
be designated | Be identical or equivalent to. |
be eligible | Spend or use time. |
be licensed | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
bounded | Spring back; spring away from an impact. |
certificated | Present someone with a certificate. |
characterise | Describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of. |
characterize | Describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of. The disease is characterized by weakening of the immune system. |
coach | Travel by coach. Fly or coach to the shores of the Mediterranean. |
condition | Apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny. Congressmen have sought to limit and condition military and economic aid. |
count | Take into account include. She met some rebuffs from people she had counted as her friends. |
dispose | Give, sell, or transfer to another. Personalities that dispose them to be uncooperative and egotistic. |
educate | Teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment. She had crises of conscience about how best to educate her youngest child. |
empower | Make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. Movements to empower the poor. |
equip | Supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose. The expedition was equipped with proper clothing food and other necessities. |
fit | Make fit. This piece won t fit into the puzzle. |
gain certification | Rise in rate or price. |
gain qualifications | Reach a destination, either real or abstract. |
guarded | Protect against a challenge or attack. |
license | Permit (someone) to do something. I am licensed to practice law in this state. |
licensed | Authorize officially. |
limit | Restrict or confine within limits. Limit the time you can spend with your friends. |
make additions to | Be or be capable of being changed or made into. |
make conditional | Make, formulate, or derive in the mind. |
make ready | Have a bowel movement. |
measure up | Evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of. |
meet the requirements | Be in direct physical contact with; make contact. |
modify | Add a modifier to a constituent. She may be prepared to modify her views. |
permit | Allow for; admit of. Children are not permitted beyond this point. |
prepare | Prepare for eating by applying heat. Prepare the discord in bar 139. |
restrict | Place restrictions on. At first the Americans tried to restrict news of their involvement in Vietnam. |
specify | Specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement make an express demand or provision in an agreement. The agency failed to specify that the workers were not their employees. |
stipulate | Give a guarantee or promise of. The contract stipulates the dates of the payments. |
teach | Work as a teacher. I ll teach you to throw rocks at my windows. |
train | Create by training and teaching. They trained him to be a warrior. |
upskill | Teach (an employee) additional skills. They will provide grants of up to 75 for staff who decide to upskill. |

Usage Examples of "Qualify" as a verb
- I've only just qualified.
- The propositions have been qualified as heretical.
- Qualify these remarks.
- A pensioner who does not qualify for income support.
- The courses qualify you as an instructor of the sport.
- The training necessary to qualify as a solicitor.
- England are in danger of failing to qualify.
- He qualifies as a genuine political refugee.
- I'm not qualified to write on the subject.
- She felt obliged to qualify her first short answer.
- He qualified his mug of water with a plentiful infusion of the liquor.
- His sincere piety, his large heart always qualify his errors.

Associations of "Qualify" (30 Words)
able | Having considerable skill proficiency or intelligence. Able to learn. |
allow | Allow the presence of or allow an activity without opposing or prohibiting. He stopped to allow his eyes to adjust. |
applicant | A person who requests or seeks something such as assistance or employment or admission. Applicants for the degree course. |
authorize | Give or delegate power or authority to. She authorized her assistant to sign the papers. |
barring | The act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto. |
benefit | Derive a benefit from. The areas would benefit from regeneration. |
certification | The act of certifying or bestowing a franchise on. A fundamental requirement for organic certification. |
characterize | Describe the distinctive nature or features of. You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist. |
decriminalize | Make legal. A battle to decriminalize cannabis. |
duty | The social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force- John. Every right implies a responsibility every opportunity an obligation every possession a duty. |
empower | Give or delegate power or authority to. Members are empowered to audit the accounts of limited companies. |
enable | Make (a device or system) operational; activate. The rope enables you to secure yourself when you climb the mountain. |
endue | Give qualities or abilities to. Our sight would be endued with a far greater sharpness. |
ennoble | Give (someone) a noble rank or title. The theatre is a moral instrument to ennoble the mind. |
entitle | Give the right to. The landlord is entitled to require references. |
exam | A set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge. He was likely to fail his exams again. |
exclude | Deny (someone) access to a place, group, or privilege. One cannot exclude the possibility of a fall in house prices. |
exclusion | The state of being excommunicated. He had a hand in my exclusion from the committee. |
exemption | A deduction allowed to a taxpayer because of his status (having certain dependents or being blind or being over 65 etc. Vehicles that may qualify for exemption from tax. |
favour | Bestow a privilege upon. I ve come to ask you a favour. |
fit | Be the right size or shape fit correctly or as desired. Felt relaxed and fit after their holiday. |
immunity | The condition in which an organism can resist disease. The rebels were given immunity from prosecution. |
impunity | Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action. Protestors burned flags on the streets with impunity. |
legalize | Make legal. The Swiss parliament legalized cannabis. |
mercy | Leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice. His death was in a way a mercy. |
permit | An official document giving someone authorization to do something. Weather permitting guests can dine outside on the veranda. |
perquisite | A right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right. The perquisites of celebrity are intoxicating. |
prefer | Give preference to one creditor over another. He was eventually preferred to the bishopric of Durham. |
prerogative | Arising from the prerogative of the Crown usually delegated to the government or the judiciary and based in common law rather than statutory law. In some countries higher education is predominantly the prerogative of the rich. |
privilege | Bestow a privilege upon. He has been accustomed all his life to wealth and privilege. |