Need another word that means the same as “fade”? Find 46 synonyms and 30 related words for “fade” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Fade” are: wither, melt, languish, blow over, evanesce, fleet, pass, pass off, dim, grow dim, grow faint, grow feeble, fail, dwindle, grow less, die away, wane, disappear, vanish, decline, dissolve, peter out, melt away, become pale, grow pale, pale, become bleached, become washed out, lose colour, decolour, decolorize, discolour, bleach, wash out, make pale, blanch, whiten, wilt, droop, shrivel, decay, die, perish, disappearance, slice, slicing
Fade as a Noun
Definitions of "Fade" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fade” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A haircut in which the hair is left long on top of the head but cropped close to the sides and back with the length of hair gradually decreasing.
- An act of causing a film or television image to darken and disappear gradually.
- A shot causing the ball to deviate to the right (or, for a left-handed golfer, the left.
- Gradually ceasing to be visible.
- The process of becoming less bright.
- A golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer.
- A pass thrown so that the ball descends directly over the receiver's shoulder, especially as they veer towards the sideline.

Synonyms of "Fade" as a noun (3 Words)
disappearance | An act of someone or something ceasing to be visible. The police were investigating her disappearance. |
slice | A thin, broad piece of food, such as bread, meat, or cake, cut from a larger portion. Four slices of bread. |
slicing | The act of cutting into slices. He took lessons to cure his slicing. |

Usage Examples of "Fade" as a noun
- A fade to black would bring the sequence to a close.
- He scores on a beautiful fade pass to the back of the end zone.
- Shortly after receiving the snap, he threw a fade to Crabtree.
- The sun can cause colour fade.
- A fade is extremely versatile and can be adjusted to different hair types and lengths.
- When they get to the 18th the ideal shot is a fade.

Fade as a Verb
Definitions of "Fade" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fade” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Gradually grow faint and disappear.
- (of a radio signal) gradually lose intensity.
- Lose freshness, vigor, or vitality.
- (with reference to film and television images) come or cause to come gradually into or out of view, or to merge into another shot.
- (of a racehorse, runner, etc.) lose strength and cease to perform well.
- (of a vehicle brake) become temporarily less efficient as a result of frictional heating.
- (of a flower) lose freshness and wither.
- Lose or cause to lose colour or brightness.
- Disappear gradually.
- (in craps) match the bet of (another player.
- (of a golfer) cause (the ball) to deviate.
- (with reference to recorded sound) increase or decrease in volume or merge into another recording.
- (of the ball) deviate to the right (or, for a left-handed golfer, the left), typically as a result of spin given to the ball.
- Become feeble.
- Become less clearly visible or distinguishable; disappear gradually or seemingly.

Synonyms of "Fade" as a verb (43 Words)
become bleached | Undergo a change or development. |
become pale | Enter or assume a certain state or condition. |
become washed out | Enhance the appearance of. |
blanch | Make white or pale by extracting colour. The cold light blanched her face. |
bleach | Clean or sterilize a drain sink etc with bleach. Bleach the laundry. |
blow over | Cause to move by means of an air current. |
decay | Fall into decay or ruin. The W particle then decays into an electron and a neutrino. |
decline | Show unwillingness towards. The birth rate continued to decline. |
decolorize | Remove color from. |
decolour | Remove color from. |
die | Die one after another until few or none are left. The car died on the road. |
die away | To be on base at the end of an inning, of a player. |
dim | Become dim or lusterless. The car moved slowly its headlights dimmed. |
disappear | Get lost, as without warning or explanation. He disappeared without a trace. |
discolour | Change or cause to change to a different, less attractive colour. Do not over knead the dough or it will discolour. |
dissolve | Annul or end (a partnership or marriage. Dissolve a stock cube in a pint of hot water. |
droop | Droop sink or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness. A long black cloak drooped from his shoulders. |
dwindle | Diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength. Traffic has dwindled to a trickle. |
evanesce | Pass out of sight, memory, or existence. Water moves among reeds evanesces shines. |
fail | Fail to do something leave something undone. The teacher failed six students. |
fleet | Move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart. |
grow dim | Develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation. |
grow faint | Cause to grow or develop. |
grow feeble | Develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation. |
grow less | Come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes. |
grow pale | Become larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain. |
languish | Assume a sentimentally tender or melancholy expression or tone. The prisoner has been languishing for years in the dungeon. |
lose colour | Be set at a disadvantage. |
make pale | Create or manufacture a man-made product. |
melt | Become or cause to become soft or liquid. Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene. |
melt away | Become less clearly visible or distinguishable; disappear gradually or seemingly. |
pale | Become pale in one s face from shock or fear. I paled at the thought of what she might say. |
pass | Pass over across or through. She would pass remarks about the Peebles in their own house. |
pass off | Pass by. |
perish | Die, especially in a violent or sudden way. I was perished with cold before the end of the day. |
peter out | Be made known; be disclosed or revealed. |
shrivel | Cause to feel worthless or insignificant. The flowers simply shrivelled up. |
vanish | Decrease rapidly and disappear. The environment is under threat hedgerows and woodlands are vanishing. |
wane | Become smaller. Confidence in the dollar waned. |
wash out | Wash or flow against. |
whiten | Turn white. This detergent will whiten your laundry. |
wilt | Become limp. My opponent was wilting. |
wither | Wither as with a loss of moisture. It is not true that old myths either die or wither away. |

Usage Examples of "Fade" as a verb
- Hopes of peace had faded.
- The ball faded toward an area left of the green.
- They let you edit the digital data, making it fade in and out.
- The signal faded away.
- He had to fade the ball around a light pole.
- Some shots have to be faded in.
- He skilfully fades the guitar lines up and down.
- Lovejoy faded him for twenty-five cents.
- The scene begins to fade.
- The light had faded and dusk was advancing.
- She faded near the finish.
- The brakes faded, needing a firmer push to bring the car to halt.
- Fade into scenes of rooms strewn with festive remains.
- Faded jeans.
- His fair hair had faded to a dusty grey.

Associations of "Fade" (30 Words)
deaden | Convert (metallic mercury) into a grey powder consisting of minute globules, as by shaking with chalk or fatty oil. Ether was used to deaden the pain. |
decay | An inferior state resulting from the process of decaying. The W particle then decays into an electron and a neutrino. |
decline | Grow smaller. A serious decline in bird numbers. |
decrease | The amount by which something decreases. The aisles were decreased in height. |
deteriorate | Become worse or disintegrate. Relations between the countries had deteriorated sharply. |
dim | Make dim by comparison or conceal. A dim light beside the bed. |
diminish | Lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of. The trial has aged and diminished him. |
disappearance | The process of something ceasing to exist or be in use. What was responsible for the disappearance of the rainforest. |
downswing | The downward movement of a club when the player is about to hit the ball. Your body must not sway to the left during the downswing. |
dull | Become dull or lusterless in appearance lose shine or brightness. A dull glow. |
dwindle | Become smaller or lose substance. Her savings dwindled down. |
erode | Become ground down or deteriorate. Many had their upper incisors missing and their maxillae eroded. |
flagging | Flagstones collectively. The flagging in the garden was quite imaginative. |
flinch | An act of flinching. She flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf. |
languish | Lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief. He has been languishing in jail since 1974. |
lessen | Make or become less; diminish. The years have lessened the gap in age between us. |
pale | Become pale in one s face from shock or fear. Choose pale floral patterns for walls. |
recoil | The action of recoiling. If man upsets his planetary ecosystem it will automatically recoil upon him. |
retrench | Make (an employee) redundant. Right wing parties which seek to retrench the welfare state. |
shorten | Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements. Patients whose waiting time had been shortened. |
shrink | Become withdrawn. I don t shrink from my responsibilities. |
shrivel | Cause to feel worthless or insignificant. The fruit dried and shriveled. |
vanish | Gradually cease to exist. Moira vanished without trace. |
wane | (of the moon) have a progressively smaller part of its visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to decrease in size. Interest in the project waned. |
waning | Pertaining to the period during which the visible surface of the moon decreases. The waning of his enthusiasm was obvious. |
weaken | Reduce the level or intensity or size or scope of. His resistance had weakened. |
wilt | Any of a number of fungal or bacterial diseases of plants characterized by wilting of the foliage. These varieties are more resistant to aphids and wilt. |
wince | Make a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of pain or distress. She winced when she heard his pompous speech. |
wither | Wither as with a loss of moisture. She withered him with a glance. |
wizened | Lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness. A wizened little man with frizzy grey hair. |