FALL SHORT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FALL SHORT?

Need another word that means the same as “fall short”? Find 30 related words for “fall short” in this overview.

Associations of "Fall short" (30 Words)

abbreviateReduce in scope while retaining essential elements.
Network is often abbreviated to net.
abbreviatedShortened; cut short.
An abbreviated swimsuit.
abridgeShorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense.
The introduction is abridged from the author s afterword to the novel.
abscondRun away; usually includes taking something or somebody along.
Charges of absconding while on bail.
conciseGiving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
A concise explanation.
curtailDeprive someone of (something.
I that am curtailed of this fair proportion.
decayAn inferior state resulting from the process of decaying.
The old barn rapidly fell into decay.
deficientFalling short of some prescribed norm.
The documentary evidence is deficient.
diminishDecrease in size, extent, or range.
The trial has aged and diminished him.
encapsulateEnclose (an organ or structure of the body) in a tough sheath or membrane.
Pancreatic tumours are encapsulated in a densely packed thicket of proteins and cells.
ephemeralAn ephemeral plant.
Works of more than ephemeral interest.
evanescentDenoting a field or wave which extends into a region where it cannot propagate and whose amplitude therefore decreases with distance.
The evanescent Arctic summer.
fleetingLasting for a markedly brief time.
A fleeting glance.
fugitiveQuick to disappear; fleeting.
Fugitives from the sweatshops.
inadequacyUnsatisfactoriness by virtue of being inadequate.
The inadequacy of available resources.
insufficientNot enough; inadequate.
There was insufficient evidence to convict him.
Workers were asked in what way they found their managers lacking.
momentaryLasting for a very short time; brief.
A momentary glimpse.
overviewA general summary of a subject.
The treasurer gave a brief overview of the financial consequences.
paucityAn insufficient quantity or number.
A paucity of information.
provisionalA provisional stamp.
Provisional bookings.
provisorySubject to a proviso; conditional.
A provisory clause.
reductionThe halving of the number of chromosomes per cell that occurs at one of the two anaphases of meiosis.
Talks on arms reduction.
scantBarely sufficient or adequate.
Companies with scant regard for the safety of future generations.
shortenMake or become shorter.
He shortened his stride.
stopgapA temporary way of dealing with a problem or satisfying a need.
Transplants are only a stopgap until more sophisticated alternatives can work.
transitoryNot permanent.
Love is transitory but it is eternal.
truceA state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms.
The guerrillas called a three day truce.
truncateApproximate by ignoring all terms beyond a chosen one.
Truncate a series.
Mandibles are wanting in many of these insects.

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