FARMER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FARMER?

Need another word that means the same as “farmer”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “farmer” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Farmer” are: granger, husbandman, sodbuster, fannie farmer, fannie merritt farmer, james leonard farmer, agriculturalist, agronomist, smallholder, grazier, farmhand, countryman, daughter of the soil, son of the soil

Farmer as a Noun

Definitions of "Farmer" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “farmer” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A person who operates a farm.
  • An expert on cooking whose cookbook has undergone many editions (1857-1915.
  • United States civil rights leader who in 1942 founded the Congress of Racial Equality (born in 1920.
  • A person to whom the collection of taxes was contracted for a fee.
  • A person who owns or manages a farm.

Synonyms of "Farmer" as a noun (14 Words)

agriculturalistThe federal department that administers programs that provide services to farmers (including research and soil conservation and efforts to stabilize the farming economy); created in 1862.
agronomistAn expert in the science of soil management and crop production.
Agronomists worry that hot weather combined with dry conditions can hamper pollination.
countrymanA man who lives in the country and has country ways.
He was a complete countryman with a pronounced affinity with nature.
daughter of the soilA female human offspring.
fannie farmerUnited States civil rights leader who in 1942 founded the Congress of Racial Equality (born in 1920.
fannie merritt farmerAn expert on cooking whose cookbook has undergone many editions (1857-1915.
farmhandA worker on a farm.
grangerA person who operates a farm.
grazierA large-scale sheep or cattle farmer.
husbandmanA person who cultivates the land; a farmer.
james leonard farmerUnited States civil rights leader who in 1942 founded the Congress of Racial Equality (born in 1920.
smallholderA person who owns or manages an agricultural holding smaller than a farm.
Smallholder farmers use a wide range of agricultural tools for more efficient weeding.
sodbusterA farmer or farm worker who ploughs the land.
He plays a gunfighter turned sodbuster.
son of the soilThe divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus.

Associations of "Farmer" (30 Words)

agrarianRelating to rural matters.
Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian economy.
agricultural(in a sporting context) clumsy.
Agricultural land.
agricultureThe science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.
agronomistAn expert in the science of soil management and crop production.
Agronomists worry that hot weather combined with dry conditions can hamper pollination.
botanistA biologist specializing in the study of plants.
A botanist announced he d bred a new and beautiful variety of orchid.
bucolicIdyllically rustic.
The church is lovely for its bucolic setting.
cowhandA person employed to tend cattle or to run a ranch.
cropYield crops.
The horse was gratefully cropping the grass.
cultivatorA mechanical implement for breaking up the ground and uprooting weeds.
Rotary cultivators are ideal in the kitchen garden.
dairyA farm where dairy products are produced.
I rely on soya as a substitute for dairy.
farmingRelating to farming or agriculture.
Land was enclosed for arable farming.
farmlandArable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops.
gardenerSomeone who takes care of a garden.
A part time gardener and handyman.
harvestGather a crop as a harvest.
A harvest of love.
husbandryThe practice of cultivating the land or raising stock.
Low borrowing demonstrates astute husbandry of resources.
intelligentsiaAn educated and intellectual elite.
The belief that the liberal intelligentsia is ruining the country.
laityIn Christianity, members of a religious community that do not have the priestly responsibilities of ordained clergy.
peasantOne of a (chiefly European) class of agricultural laborers.
Peasant farmers.
peon(in South and SE Asia) a low-ranking worker such as an attendant, orderly, or assistant.
Racing drivers aren t exactly nine to five peons.
ranchBreed animals on a ranch.
Her husband is ranching in Arizona.
rancherA person who owns or runs a ranch.
reaperDeath personified as an old man or a skeleton with a scythe.
ruralLiving in or characteristic of farming or country life.
Remote rural areas.
rusticRelating to the countryside; rural.
Bare plaster walls and terracotta floor give a rustic feel.
scytheCut with a scythe.
You may want hardy infantry troops to scythe down the opposition.
serf(Middle Ages) a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord.
serfdomThe state of a serf.
The liberation of the peasants from serfdom.
shopkeeperA merchant who owns or manages a shop.
vassalageThe state of a serf.
yeomanA member of the yeomanry force.

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