Need another word that means the same as “faulty”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “faulty” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Faulty” are: defective, incorrect, wrong, malfunctioning, broken, damaged, not working, in disrepair, out of order, out of commission, inoperative, unsound, unusable, useless, flawed, distorted, inaccurate, erroneous, imprecise, fallacious
Faulty as an Adjective
Definitions of "Faulty" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “faulty” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Having a defect.
- (of reasoning and other mental processes) mistaken or misleading because of flaws.
- Having or displaying weaknesses.
- Characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules.
- Not working or made correctly; having defects.

Synonyms of "Faulty" as an adjective (20 Words)
broken | Out of working order busted is an informal substitute for broken. A broken tooth. |
damaged | Being unjustly brought into disrepute. Her damaged reputation. |
defective | Having a defect. I returned the appliance because it was defective. |
distorted | Pulled or twisted out of shape; contorted. His poor distorted limbs. |
erroneous | Containing or characterized by error. Erroneous conclusions. |
fallacious | Intended to deceive – S.T.Coleridge. Fallacious arguments. |
flawed | (of a person) having a weakness in character. A flawed diamond. |
imprecise | Not precise. The witness could give only vague and imprecise descriptions. |
in disrepair | Holding office. |
inaccurate | Not accurate. The thermometer is inaccurate. |
incorrect | Not in accordance with particular standards or rules. Strictly speaking the form of address was incorrect. |
inoperative | Not working or taking effect. An inoperative law. |
malfunctioning | Not performing or able to perform its regular function. A malfunctioning valve. |
not working | Adopted as a temporary basis for further work. |
out of commission | Excluded from use or mention. |
out of order | Being out or having grown cold. |
unsound | Physically unsound or diseased. Unsound teeth. |
unusable | Not capable of being used. The steps were overgrown and unusable. |
useless | Having no ability or skill in a specified activity or area. We tried to pacify him but it was useless. |
wrong | Unsuitable or undesirable. Based on the wrong assumptions. |

Usage Examples of "Faulty" as an adjective
- A faulty brake.
- He submitted a faulty report.
- Faulty logic.
- Her character was faulty.

Associations of "Faulty" (30 Words)
defect | A failing or deficiency. That interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information. |
defective | Imperfect or faulty. I returned the appliance because it was defective. |
disinformation | Misinformation that is deliberately disseminated in order to influence or confuse rivals (foreign enemies or business competitors etc. The entire Western intelligence system had been systematically manipulated with clever disinformation. |
err | Wander from a direct course or at random. He has erred and strayed as many of us have. |
erroneous | Containing or characterized by error. Employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions. |
error | A mistake. The decisions of the appeal committee disclosed no error of law. |
fallacious | Intended to deceive. Fallacious arguments. |
fallibility | The likelihood of making errors. Technology is not a cure for human fallibility. |
fallible | Capable of making mistakes or being wrong. I m only a fallible human. |
fault | Of a rock formation be broken by a fault or faults. The fault of the keen therapist is to start to intervene during the assessment phase. |
flaw | Add a flaw or blemish to make imperfect or defective. A flaw caused the crystal to shatter. |
flawed | (of a person) having a weakness in character. A flawed hero. |
imperfect | The imperfect tense. Had only an imperfect understanding of his responsibilities. |
inaccurate | Not exact. An inaccurate translation. |
incorrect | Not in accordance with fact; wrong. It is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts. |
inexact | Not exact. An inexact description. |
misconceive | Fail to understand (something) correctly. Criticism of the trade surplus in Washington is misconceived. |
miscount | An inaccurate count. The police admitted that they had miscounted. |
misguide | Give bad advice to. A long survey that can only baffle and misguide the general reader. |
misinformation | False or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive. Nuclear matters are often entangled in a web of secrecy and misinformation. |
mistaken | Based on or resulting from a misunderstanding or faulty judgement. She wondered whether she d been mistaken about his intentions. |
mistrial | A trial that is invalid or inconclusive. The judge dismissed the charge and declared a mistrial. |
misunderstanding | A failure to understand something correctly. He left the army after a slight misunderstanding with his commanding officer. |
oversight | A mistake resulting from inattention. Effective oversight of the financial reporting process. |
solecism | A socially awkward or tactless act. |
unjust | Violating principles of justice. An unjust judge. |
unreliable | Not able to be relied upon. In the early 1950s computers were large and expensive and unreliable. |
wrong | Treat unjustly do wrong to. Found themselves on the wrong road. |
wrongheaded | Obstinately perverse in judgment or opinion. A wrongheaded policy. |
wrongly | In an unjust, dishonest, or immoral way. Wrongly interpreted results. |