FIREWORKS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FIREWORKS?

Need another word that means the same as “fireworks”? Find 30 related words for “fireworks” in this overview.

Associations of "Fireworks" (30 Words)

blastHit hard.
Blast a tunnel through the Alps.
blazeIndicate by marking trees with blazes.
He blazed away at the men.
bombThrow bombs at or attack with bombs.
The Americans bombed Dresden.
burnBurn with heat fire or radiation.
Her forehead was burning and her throat ached.
burstCause to burst.
The mortar bursts were further away than before.
carnivalAn annual festival, typically during the week before Lent in Roman Catholic countries, involving processions, music, dancing, and the use of masquerade.
Children from Wroughton are getting ready for the village carnival.
combustUndergo combustion.
Riots combusted Pakistan after the U S air attacks on Afghanistan.
detonationCombustion of a substance which is initiated suddenly and propagates extremely rapidly, giving rise to a shock wave.
A series of deafening detonations was heard.
effusionAn instance of giving off something such as a liquid or gas.
Literary effusions.
eruptErupt or intensify suddenly.
Unrest erupted in the country.
eruptionA spot, rash, or other mark appearing suddenly on the skin.
Irritable skin eruptions.
explodeBurst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, excessive internal pressure, or other process.
This is ludicrous she exploded.
explosionThe noise caused by an explosion.
An explosion of laughter.
explosive(of a vocal sound) produced with a sharp release of air.
An explosive laugh.
fireDrive out or away by or as if by fire.
With a flick of his wrist he fired up the chainsaw.
flameA thing compared to a flame s ability to burn fiercely or be extinguished.
A flame red Alfa Romeo.
flareBecome flared and widen usually at one end.
The flare of the match lit up his face.
igniteStart to burn or burst into flames.
Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter.
incandescenceThe phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised.
kindleCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses.
The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds.
lavaRock that in its molten form as magma issues from volcanos lava is what magma is called when it reaches the surface.
Porphyritic lavas.
matchboxVery small.
Her matchbox apartment.
nebula(pathology) a faint cloudy spot on the cornea.
paradeA parade ground.
He paraded his knowledge.
pyrotechnicOf or relating to the craft of making fireworks.
A pyrotechnic display.
pyrotechnicsThe craft of making fireworks.
He thrilled his audience with vocal pyrotechnics.
scaldAny of a number of plant diseases which produce an effect similar to that of scalding especially a disease of fruit marked by browning and caused by excessive sunlight bad storage conditions or atmospheric pollution.
Scald the milk with the citrus zest.
sparkProduce sparks at the point where an electric circuit is interrupted.
A spark of interest.
tinderMaterial for starting a fire.
He lit it with a tinder.
volcanoA mountain formed by volcanic material.
Clare had been building up a silent volcano of resentment.

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