Need another word that means the same as “flare”? Find 62 synonyms and 30 related words for “flare” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Flare” are: flare pass, flash, flair, blaze, dazzle, glare, burst, distress signal, rocket, beacon, light, flashlight, signal, rush, attack, eruption, explosion, bout, spasm, widening, spread, break open, burst out, erupt, flare up, irrupt, blaze up, burn up, flame up, flame, flare out, burn unsteadily, burn violently, burn, be ablaze, be alight, be on fire, be in flames, be aflame, recur, reoccur, reappear, lose one's temper, lose control, become enraged, go into a rage, fly into a passion, fly into a temper, boil over, boil over with rage, fire up, go berserk, throw a tantrum, explode, broaden, widen, get wider, expand, splay
Flare as a Noun
Definitions of "Flare" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “flare” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Reddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritation.
- A sudden explosion in the chromosphere and corona of the sun or another star, resulting in an intense burst of radiation.
- A gradual widening in shape, especially towards the hem of a garment.
- A sudden outburst of emotion.
- A sudden burst of flame.
- A fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield.
- A sudden recurrence of an inflammation or other medical condition.
- Am unwanted reflection in an optical system (or the fogging of an image that is caused by such a reflection.
- A sudden brief burst of bright flame or light.
- A sudden burst of intense emotion.
- (baseball) a fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield.
- A device producing a very bright flame, used especially as a signal or marker.
- A burst of light used to communicate or illuminate.
- A sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms.
- Extraneous illumination on film caused by internal reflection in the camera.
- A device that produces a bright light for warning or illumination or identification.
- A short forward pass to a back who is running toward the sidelines.
- A shape that spreads outward.
- A sudden eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface; associated with sunspots and radio interference.
- An upward and outward curve of a ship's bows, designed to throw the water outwards when in motion.
- Trousers whose legs get progressively wider from the knees down.

Synonyms of "Flare" as a noun (21 Words)
attack | The act of attacking. He published an unexpected attack on my work. |
beacon | A hill suitable for a beacon. A chain of beacons carried the news. |
blaze | A light-colored marking. Their relationship broke up in a blaze of publicity. |
bout | A period of illness. He fought 350 bouts losing only nine times. |
burst | The act of exploding or bursting. A burst of applause. |
dazzle | Brightness enough to blind partially and temporarily. I screwed my eyes up against the dazzle. |
distress signal | Extreme physical pain. |
eruption | An act or instance of erupting. A sudden eruption of street violence. |
explosion | The noise caused by an explosion. An explosion in the adder population. |
flair | A shape that spreads outward. She dressed with flair. |
flare pass | A sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms. |
flash | A newsflash. A short man with the black flashes of the tank units. |
flashlight | An electric torch. |
glare | A focus of public attention. A glare of sunlight. |
light | The light falling on the windows of a house. Sunshine will brighten the natural lights in your hair. |
rocket | Any vehicle self propelled by a rocket engine. He got a rocket from the Director. |
rush | The first prints made of a film after a period of shooting. The pre Christmas rush. |
signal | An electric quantity (voltage or current or field strength) whose modulation represents coded information about the source from which it comes. The victory was a signal for wild celebration. |
spasm | A painful and involuntary muscular contraction. A spasm of coughing woke him. |
spread | A bedspread. Warmer temperatures could help reduce the spread of the disease. |
widening | A part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park. |

Usage Examples of "Flare" as a noun
- The flare of the match lit up his face.
- Corticosteroid treatment for colitis flares.
- She felt a flare of anger within her.
- The skirt had a wide flare.
- She could not control her flare of rage.
- He threw a flare to the fullback who was tackled for a loss.
- A distress flare.
- She felt a flare of delight.
- A flare gun.
- A colitis flare.
- Infection can cause a lupus flare.

Flare as a Verb
Definitions of "Flare" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “flare” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Become flared and widen, usually at one end.
- Shine with a sudden light.
- Burn brightly.
- Erupt or intensify suddenly.
- (of a situation or emotion) suddenly become intense or violent.
- (of a person's nostrils) dilate.
- (of a person) cause (the nostrils) to dilate.
- (of a person) suddenly become angry.
- Burn or shine with a sudden intensity.
- Gradually become wider at one end.

Synonyms of "Flare" as a verb (41 Words)
be ablaze | Be identical to; be someone or something. |
be aflame | Have life, be alive. |
be alight | Be identical to; be someone or something. |
be in flames | Be identical to; be someone or something. |
be on fire | Be priced at. |
become enraged | Enhance the appearance of. |
blaze | Indicate by marking trees with blazes. Blaze a trail. |
blaze up | Indicate by marking trees with blazes. |
boil over | Bring to, or maintain at, the boiling point. |
boil over with rage | Be in an agitated emotional state. |
break open | Force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up. |
broaden | Extend in scope or range or area. Her smile broadened. |
burn | Get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun. Exercise does help to burn calories. |
burn unsteadily | Shine intensely, as if with heat. |
burn up | Destroy by fire. |
burn violently | Cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort. |
burst out | Burst outward usually with noise. |
erupt | Erupt or intensify suddenly. Smoke bombs erupted everywhere. |
expand | Expand the influence of. The minister expanded on the government s proposals. |
explode | Increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner. The myths that link smoking with glamour need to be exploded. |
fire up | Provide with fuel. |
flame | Burn and give off flames. Hope flamed in her. |
flame up | Criticize harshly, usually via an electronic medium. |
flare out | Shine with a sudden light. |
flare up | Shine with a sudden light. |
flash | Make known or cause to appear with great speed. He flashed a 100 bill. |
fly into a passion | Move quickly or suddenly. |
fly into a temper | Display in the air or cause to float. |
get wider | Irritate. |
go berserk | Move away from a place into another direction. |
go into a rage | Lead, extend, or afford access. |
irrupt | Increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner. She irrupted into our sitting room. |
lose control | Fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind. |
lose one's temper | Fail to win. |
reappear | Appear again. The sores reappeared on her body. |
recur | (of a thought, image, or memory) come back to one’s mind. Oglethorpe s words kept recurring to him. |
reoccur | Occur again or repeatedly. Ulcers tend to reoccur after treatment has stopped. |
splay | Become wider or more separated. He stood with his legs and arms splayed out. |
spread | Become distributed or widespread. Spread your arms. |
throw a tantrum | Cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation. |
widen | Make wider. The road widened. |

Usage Examples of "Flare" as a verb
- The night sky flared with the massive bombardment.
- She flared up, shouting at Geoffrey.
- Tempers flared as supporters scuffled with other passengers.
- The controversy flared up again in 2003.
- The dress flared out into a huge train.
- The bonfire crackled and flared up.
- His head lifted fractionally, his nostrils flaring.
- The bellbottom pants flare out.
- Behind him, lightning flared.
- Every star seemed to flare with new intensity.
- Tempers flared at the meeting.

Associations of "Flare" (30 Words)
aflame | In flames; burning. He was aflame with desire. |
blast | Hit hard. Damn and blast this awful place. |
blaze | Indicate by marking trees with blazes. They chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes. |
burn | Damage by burning with heat fire or radiation. Burned shoulders and peeling noses. |
burst | Burst outward usually with noise. Sophie burst out laughing. |
candle | A unit of luminous intensity, superseded by the candela. An iced cake with nine lighted candles on it. |
cinder | A fragment of incombustible matter left after a wood or coal or charcoal fire. A cold hearth full of cinders. |
combust | Cause to burn or combust. We combust coal and other fossil fuels. |
combustible | A combustible substance. A volatile and combustible personality. |
combustion | A process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light. Combustion grew until revolt was unavoidable. |
erupt | Erupt or intensify suddenly. Noise erupted from the drawing room. |
explosive | (of an increase) sudden and dramatic. The explosive growth of personal computers in the 1980s. |
fiery | Like or suggestive of fire. A fiery temper. |
fire | A fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning. Surrender fires the cold skepticism. |
firework | An outburst of anger, or a display of great skill or energy. They were oohing and aahing as if they were watching the fireworks. |
flame | A brilliant orange red colour like that of flames. There s nothing like a holiday to rekindle the flames of passion. |
flammable | Easily ignited. The use of highly flammable materials. |
geyser | To overflow like a geyser. A fissure opened and yellow smoke geysered upward. |
glare | Dazzling or showy appearance. She glared at him her cheeks flushing. |
ignite | Arouse or excite feelings and passions. Furniture can give off lethal fumes when it ignites. |
incandescence | The phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised. |
incinerate | Cause to undergo combustion. Waste packaging is to be incinerated rather than buried in landfills. |
kindle | Become impassioned or excited. The young man kindled at once. |
lava | Rock that in its molten form as magma issues from volcanos lava is what magma is called when it reaches the surface. Tablelands of lava. |
pyrotechnic | Of or relating to the craft of making fireworks. A pyrotechnic wit. |
pyrotechnics | The art of making or displaying fireworks. He thrilled his audience with vocal pyrotechnics. |
smolder | Have strong suppressed feelings. A smoldering fire. |
spark | Emit sparks of fire or electricity. A spark of decency. |
stoke | Encourage or incite (a strong emotion or tendency. He stoked up the barbecue. |
volcano | A state or situation which is liable to erupt into anger or violence. Clare had been building up a silent volcano of resentment. |