FLAVORS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FLAVORS?

Need another word that means the same as “flavors”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “flavors” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Flavors” are: flavour, feel, feeling, look, smell, spirit, tone, nip, relish, sapidity, savor, savour, smack, tang, season

Flavors as a Noun

Definitions of "Flavors" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “flavors” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people.
  • The six kinds of quarks.
  • The taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth.
  • (physics) the six kinds of quarks.

Synonyms of "Flavors" as a noun (14 Words)

feelFeelings of heightened emotion.
I cry at everything even the types of movies you wouldn t expect to give you all the feels.
feelingThe sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin.
The surface had a greasy feeling.
flavourA substance used to alter or enhance the taste of food or drink a flavouring.
Whitewashed walls and red roof tiles gave the resort a Mediterranean flavour.
lookAn expression of a feeling or thought by looking.
The government should take a look at the amount of grant the council receives.
nipA small sharp bite or snip.
A keen nip in the air.
relishA distinctive taste or tinge.
I was appointed to a post for which I had little relish.
sapidityThe taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth.
savorThe taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth.
savourThe taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth.
The subtle savour of wood smoke.
smackThe act of smacking something a blow delivered with an open hand.
I was saluted with two hearty smacks on my cheeks.
smellA quality in something that is perceived by the faculty of smell an odour or scent.
She loved the smell of roses.
spiritThe non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.
As I sat alone in that corridor my spirits were low.
tangA strong taste, flavour, or smell.
A full tang is used for strength.
toneA musical interval of two semitones.
Stained glass in vivid tones of red and blue.

Flavors as a Verb

Definitions of "Flavors" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “flavors” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Lend flavor to.

Synonyms of "Flavors" as a verb (2 Words)

flavourLend flavor to.
Chunks of chicken flavoured with herbs.
seasonAdd salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to (food.
Season the soup to taste with salt and pepper.

Associations of "Flavors" (30 Words)

acerbitySharpness and directness in speech.
Exuberance sharpened by blunt wit and acerbity.
acidic(of rock, especially lava) relatively rich in silica.
Acidic wine.
acidulousBeing sour to the taste.
ambrosialExtremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragrant.
Ambrosial food.
appetizingStimulating one’s appetite.
The appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon.
chocolateHot chocolate.
His chocolate brown eyes.
delectableExtremely attractive.
The delectable Miss Haynes.
deliciousVariety of sweet eating apples.
A delicious irony.
dessertThe sweet course eaten at the end of a meal.
A dessert of chocolate mousse.
flavorfulFull of flavor.
flavourA substance used to alter or enhance the taste of food or drink a flavouring.
Various flavours of firewall are evolving.
fragrantHaving a pleasant or sweet smell.
She gathered the fragrant blooms.
lusciousAppealing strongly to the senses; pleasingly rich.
A luscious and fragrant dessert wine.
mealThe food eaten during a meal.
The evening meal.
nipA small sharp bite or snip.
His teeth nipped at her ear.
palatable(of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory.
A device that made increased taxation more palatable.
piquancyThe quality of being pleasantly stimulating or exciting; interest.
The tangy soy dip gave them a slightly Asian piquancy.
repastA meal.
A sumptuous repast.
savorTaste appreciatively.
Savor the soup.
savoryHaving an agreeably pungent taste.
A past that was scarcely savory.
savourThe taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth.
The subtle savour of wood smoke.
sourMake sour or more sour.
A false or sour note.
spicySuggestive of sexual impropriety.
I like my chili extra spicy.
sweetIn an affectionate or loving manner sweet is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of sweetly.
Go to thy rest sweet sir.
tangAny of various coarse seaweeds.
The clean salty tang of the sea.
tangyTasting sour like a lemon.
A tangy salad.
tasteThe faculty of perceiving taste.
The ex slave tasted freedom shortly before she died.
tastyPleasing to the sense of taste.
A tasty snack.
zestyMarked by spirited enjoyment.

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