FLOATED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FLOATED?

Need another word that means the same as “floated”? Find 30 related words for “floated” in this overview.

Associations of "Floated" (30 Words)

adriftOff course, wandering aimlessly.
The film industry was adrift in a sea of debt.
afloatCovered with water.
There are various rumours afloat connected with his disappearance.
aimlessAimlessly drifting.
An aimless existence.
boatTravel in a boat for pleasure.
They boated through fjords.
buoyMark with a buoy.
The wreck is often buoyed during summer months.
buoyancyThe tendency to float in water or other liquid.
I admired his buoyancy and persistent good humor.
canoeTravel by canoe.
He had once canoed down the Nile.
capsizeCause (a boat) to overturn.
The craft capsized in heavy seas.
divingThe sport or activity of diving into water from a diving board.
He scored with a diving header.
driftAn act of driving cattle or sheep.
Caught the general drift of the conversation.
floatingBuoyant or suspended in water or air.
Floating ribs are not connected with the sternum.
floeA sheet of floating ice.
floodedCovered with water.
A flooded bathroom.
flotsamThe wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on or washed up by the sea.
The room was cleared of boxes and other flotsam.
hoverBe undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action.
Inflation will hover around the 4 per cent mark.
lifeboatA small boat kept on a ship for use in emergency, typically one of a number on deck or suspended from davits.
lochA lake.
Loch Lomond.
offshoreRelating to the business of extracting oil or gas from the seabed.
Weather forecasters say the cyclone should move offshore.
poolSomething resembling a pool of liquid.
A car pool.
raftTravel by raft in water.
I have rafted along the Rio Grande.
resurface(of a person) come out of hiding or obscurity.
The missing man suddenly resurfaced in New York.
riverA large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea a lake or another river.
The river was navigable for 50 miles.
seaUsed to refer to waves as opposed to calm sea.
Rocky bays lapped by vivid blue sea.
surfRide a wave towards the shore on a surfboard.
Surf the internet or the world wide web.
surfingThe sport of riding a surfboard toward the shore on the crest of a wave.
Why share your internet connection with people surfing and chatting.
swimThe act of swimming.
He landed two 5 lb chub from the same swim.
swimmerA sperm cell.
Red flags to warn swimmers of dangerous currents.
swimmingThe act of swimming.
A swimming instructor.
tarnA small mountain lake.
Malham Tarn.
waveSet waves in.
Gulls and cormorants bobbed on the waves.

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