FOR ATTENTIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOR ATTENTIVE?

Need another word that means the same as “for attentive”? Find 30 related words for “for attentive” in this overview.

Associations of "For attentive" (30 Words)

alertA warning serves to make you more alert to danger.
Bombers were put on alert during the crisis.
bewareBe cautious and alert to risks or dangers.
We should beware the incompetence of legislators.
cannyShowing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others.
Canny investors will switch banks if they think they are getting a raw deal.
carefulAnxious to protect (something) from harm or loss; solicitous.
They were careful when crossing the busy street.
carefullyIn a way that deliberately avoids harm or errors; cautiously.
They must be carefully handled and stored.
carefulnessThe trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger.
I admired the carefulness of his work.
The Chancellor cautioned that economic uncertainties remained.
cautiousPeople who are fearful and cautious.
A cautious driver.
cautiouslyIn a way that deliberately avoids potential problems or dangers.
She ventured cautiously downstairs.
charyCharacterized by great caution and wariness.
A chary investor.
circumspectHeedful of potential consequences.
Circumspect actions.
concernedFeeling or showing worry or solicitude.
Factors concerned in the rise and fall of epidemics.
discreetUnobtrusively perceptive and sympathetic.
A discreet investor.
discreetlyWith discretion; prudently and with wise self-restraint.
She coughed discreetly.
discretionFreedom to act or judge on one’s own.
Local authorities should use their discretion in setting the charges.
forethoughtPlanning or plotting in advance of acting.
Jim had the forethought to book in advance.
heedPay close attention to give heed to.
If he heard he paid no heed.
mindfulInclined or willing to do something.
Mindful of his responsibilities.
modestyThe quality of being relatively moderate, limited, or small in amount, rate, or level.
Modesty forbade her to undress in front of so many people.
observantAdhering strictly to the rules of a particular religion, especially Judaism.
Her observant eye took in every detail.
perfunctoryAs a formality only.
He gave a perfunctory nod.
precautionA precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.
We never took precautions.
prudentCareful and sensible; marked by sound judgment.
No prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose.
solicitousShowing hovering attentiveness.
He was solicitous to cultivate her mamma s good opinion.
thoughtfulTaking heed giving close and thoughtful attention.
Brows drawn together in thoughtful consideration.
vigilantKeeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
The vigilant eye of the town watch.
waryFeeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
Dogs which have been mistreated often remain very wary of strangers.
watchA person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event.
Everyone stopped to watch what was going on.
watchdogA guardian or defender against theft or illegal practices or waste.
She is the global watchdog for human rights abuses.
watchfulEngaged in or accustomed to close observation.
Twenty watchful weary tedious nights.

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