FOR INSTANCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOR INSTANCE?

Need another word that means the same as “for instance”? Find 30 related words for “for instance” in this overview.

Associations of "For instance" (30 Words)

advisoryGiving advice.
The EC has put forward an advisory maximum figure.
archetypalRelating to or denoting an original which has been imitated.
An archetypal journey representing the quest for identity.
archetype(in Jungian theory) a primitive mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors, and supposed to be present in the collective unconscious.
Mythological archetypes of good and evil.
caseAn agreed summary of the facts relating to a legal case drawn up for review or decision on a point of law by a higher court.
A murder case.
emulationReproduction of the function or action of a different computer, software system, etc.
Software emulation of complete systems.
epitomeA standard or typical example.
She looked the epitome of elegance and good taste.
exampleA thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule.
They decided to make an example of him.
exemplarA person or thing serving as a typical example or appropriate model.
An exemplar of success.
exemplaryServing to warn.
Exemplary sentencing may discourage the violent minority.
exemplifyBe a typical example of.
The best dry sherry is exemplified by the fino of Jerez.
formation(geology) the geological features of the earth.
Strange black rock formations.
frameworkA basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text.
A conservatory in a delicate framework of iron.
herbariumA room or building housing a herbarium.
illustrationAn illustrative example.
By way of illustration I refer to the following case.
modelPlan or create according to a model or models.
Preston was the model for Coketown in Hard Times.
monitory(in church use) a letter of admonition from the Pope or a bishop.
Shook a monitory finger at him.
multiphaseIn or relating to more than one phase.
originalAn original creation i e an audio recording from which copies can be made.
The original performance of the opera.
paradigmThe class of all items that can be substituted into the same position or slot in a grammatical sentence are in paradigmatic relation with one another.
Society s paradigm of the ideal woman.
paradigmaticOf or relating to a grammatical paradigm.
His biography is paradigmatic of the experiences of this generation.
personalityDisparaging remarks about an individual.
An official opening by a famous personality.
prototypeMake a prototype of a product.
These objects are the prototypes of a category of rapidly spinning neutron stars.
quintessenceThe purest and most concentrated essence of something.
We were all brought up to believe that advertising is the quintessence of marketing.
sampleTake a sample of.
A free sample of chewing gum.
specimenAn example of something regarded as typical of its class or group.
They collected a urine specimen for urinalysis.
spheroidA solid generated by a half revolution of an ellipse about its major axis prolate spheroid or minor axis oblate spheroid.
It looked like a sphere but on closer examination I saw it was really a spheroid.
typeIdentify as belonging to a certain type.
Type the acceptance letter please.
typifyBe characteristic or a representative example of.
Tough, low-lying vegetation typifies this arctic area.
universalityThe quality of being universal; existing everywhere.
The universality of the experience of grief and loss.
virtueA quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.
Mike was extolling the virtues of the car.

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