Need another word that means the same as “freely”? Find 27 synonyms and 30 related words for “freely” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Freely” are: openly, candidly, frankly, plainly, straightforwardly, directly, explicitly, bluntly, outspokenly, unreservedly, voluntarily, willingly, readily, copiously, plentifully, amply, profusely, exuberantly, in profusion, in abundance, in great quantity, in large quantities, in plenty, in huge numbers, extensively, everywhere, all over the place
Freely as an Adverb
Definitions of "Freely" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “freely” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- Not under the control of another; as one wishes.
- In copious or generous amounts.
- Openly and honestly.
- Without restriction or interference.
- In a free manner.
- Willingly and readily.

Synonyms of "Freely" as an adverb (27 Words)
all over the place | To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole’ is often used informally for `wholly. |
amply | Enough or more than enough; plentifully. The persistent reader is amply rewarded. |
bluntly | In a blunt direct manner. He spoke bluntly. |
candidly | It is sincerely the case that (used as intensives reflecting the speaker’s attitude. He candidly discussed his efforts to find employment. |
copiously | In an expansive or wide-ranging way. I was drinking copiously. |
directly | In a frank way. I went directly after breakfast. |
everywhere | In or to all places. You find fast food stores everywhere. |
explicitly | (in reference to representations of sexual activity) graphically and vividly. The essay should state explicitly how the facts support the thesis. |
extensively | To a large or detailed degree. He has written extensively about the project. |
exuberantly | In an exuberant manner. The exuberantly baroque decoration of the church. |
frankly | Used to emphasize the truth of a statement, however unpalatable this may be. She talks very frankly about herself. |
in abundance | To or toward the inside of. |
in great quantity | To or toward the inside of. |
in huge numbers | To or toward the inside of. |
in large quantities | To or toward the inside of. |
in plenty | To or toward the inside of. |
in profusion | To or toward the inside of. |
openly | Without concealment, deception, or prevarication, especially where these might be expected; frankly or honestly. A lecturer who had openly criticized the government. |
outspokenly | In an outspoken manner. |
plainly | Unmistakably plain is often used informally for plainly. She is plainly dressed in a T shirt and trousers. |
plentifully | In a bountiful manner. |
profusely | In an abundant manner. The waiter was profusely apologetic. |
readily | Without delay or difficulty; easily. Transport is readily available. |
straightforwardly | In a way that is uncomplicated and easy to do or understand. Dealt straightforwardly with all issues. |
unreservedly | Without reservations; completely. We like to be able to talk unreservedly about ourselves. |
voluntarily | Of one’s own free will. He voluntarily attended a police station. |
willingly | Readily; of one’s own free will. She went willingly. |

Usage Examples of "Freely" as an adverb
- She drank freely to keep up her courage.
- Air can freely circulate.
- I freely confess to this failing.
- You may speak freely.
- I roamed freely.

Associations of "Freely" (30 Words)
accessible | Able to be easily obtained or used. Accessible money. |
adaptable | Able to be modified for a new use or purpose. To succeed one must be adaptable. |
alacrity | Liveliness and eagerness. She accepted the invitation with alacrity. |
changeable | Varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles. Changeable behavior. |
conveniently | In a convenient manner. This house is very conveniently located. |
convertible | A convertible security. A convertible sofa. |
corrigible | Capable of being corrected, rectified, or reformed. A corrigible prisoner. |
corroborate | Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts. The witness had corroborated the boy s account of the attack. |
easily | With ease easy is sometimes used informally for easily. He was easily the bravest man I ve ever met. |
easy | With ease easy is sometimes used informally for easily. An easy mark. |
eloquent | Clearly expressing or indicating something. An eloquent speech. |
exoteric | Suitable for the general public. Writings of an exoteric nature. |
flexible | Capable of being changed. A flexible personality. |
flowing | Designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow. A long flowing gown of lavender silk. |
fluent | Able to speak or write a particular foreign language easily and accurately. She became fluent in French and German. |
frankly | (used as intensives reflecting the speaker’s attitude) it is sincerely the case that. Frankly I was pleased to leave. |
fraternize | Associate or form a friendship with someone, especially when one is not supposed to. She ignored Elisabeth's warning glare against fraternizing with the enemy. |
freedom | A special privilege or right of access, especially that of full citizenship of a city granted to a public figure as an honour. Government policies to achieve freedom from want. |
handy | Ready to hand. A hotel in a handy central location. |
liberal | Having political or social views favoring reform and progress. Are we dealing with a polarization between liberals and conservatives. |
openly | In an open way. A lecturer who had openly criticized the government. |
promptly | With little or no delay; immediately. I won my appeal but instead of reinstating me they promptly sacked me again. |
pushover | A try in which one side in a scrum pushes the ball over the opponents’ goal line. This is going to be a pushover. |
readily | In a punctual manner. Transport is readily available. |
redeemable | Able to be converted into ready money or the equivalent. They were misguided but ultimately redeemable. |
simply | Absolutely; altogether; really. It is simply a matter of time. |
soul | A human being. He was the soul of discretion. |
useful | Having a useful function. The girl felt motherly and useful. |
utilizable | Capable of being put to a profitable or practical use. |
warranty | A written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time. You have no warranty for such an audacious doctrine. |