FROWNED UPON: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FROWNED UPON?

Need another word that means the same as “frowned upon”? Find 30 related words for “frowned upon” in this overview.

Associations of "Frowned upon" (30 Words)

afireLighted up by or as by fire or flame.
The whole mill was afire.
alightTo come to rest, settle.
The conductor alights to push the cable car completely around.
angryFeeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.
Why are you angry with me.
choleric(in medieval medicine) having choler as the predominant bodily humour.
A choleric outburst.
dazzleTo cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light.
I was dazzled by the beauty and breadth of the exhibition.
discourageDeprive of courage or hope take away hope from cause to feel discouraged.
We should discourage this practice among our youth.
faceThe part of an animal corresponding to the human face.
Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring.
filamentA slender threadlike object or fibre, especially one found in animal or plant structures.
Each myosin filament is usually surrounded by 12 actin filaments.
flameA brilliant orange red colour like that of flames.
Warm the whisky slightly pour over the lobster and flame it.
flaming(of a gay man) having a manner or appearance regarded as stereotypically homosexual.
Her flaming hair.
flareBecome flared and widen usually at one end.
Infection can cause a lupus flare.
flashA newsflash.
A shooting star flashed and was gone.
furyA surge of violent anger or other strong feeling.
In a fury he lashed the horse on.
gawkLook with amazement; look stupidly.
They were gawking at some pin up.
glareAn angry stare.
The moon glared back at itself from the lake s surface.
gleamAn appearance of reflected light.
Affection gleamed in her large green eyes.
glowerLook at with a fixed gaze.
The angry glower on the face of the policeman.
illuminateDecorate (a building or structure) with lights for a special occasion.
His face was illuminated by a smile.
illumineLight up; brighten.
He moved her lamp so that her face was illumined.
inflammableEasily set on fire.
Inflammable materials.
irascibleQuickly aroused to anger.
An irascible and difficult man.
limelightThe focus of public attention.
The shock win has thrust him into the limelight.
luridUnpleasantly bright in colour, especially so as to create a harsh or unnatural effect.
Lurid food colourings.
nodSignify or express greeting assent or understanding by nodding.
He nodded his approval.
ogleLook at with amorous intentions.
A vaguely erotic ogle.
scowlFrown in an angry or bad-tempered way.
She scowled at him defiantly.
shoulderMake progress by shouldering someone or something out of one s way.
A jacket with padded shoulders.
shrugAn act or instance of shrugging one s shoulders.
He just shrugged and didn t look interested.
spotlightIlluminate with a spotlight.
She was constantly in the media spotlight.
stareBe unpleasantly prominent or striking.
He stared at her in amazement.

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