Need another word that means the same as “fruitful”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “fruitful” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Fruitful” are: fruiting, productive, constructive, useful, worthwhile, helpful, beneficial, valuable, rewarding, profitable, advantageous, gainful, successful, effective, effectual, well spent
Fruitful as an Adjective
Definitions of "Fruitful" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fruitful” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (of a person) producing many offspring.
- Producing good or helpful results; productive.
- (of a tree, plant, or land) producing much fruit; fertile.
- Productive or conducive to producing in abundance.

Synonyms of "Fruitful" as an adjective (16 Words)
advantageous | Appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairness. The scheme is advantageous to your company. |
beneficial | Promoting or enhancing well-being. The process was beneficial to both supplier and customer. |
constructive | Not obvious or stated explicitly; derived by inference. Constructive criticism. |
effective | Able to accomplish a purpose functioning effectively. A decline in the effective demand. |
effectual | Producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect. Tobacco smoke is the most effectual protection against the midge. |
fruiting | Capable of bearing fruit. |
gainful | Yielding a fair profit. He soon found gainful employment. |
helpful | Giving or ready to give help. Helpful staff. |
productive | Relating to or engaged in the production of goods, crops, or other commodities. A productive vineyard. |
profitable | Beneficial; useful. He d had a profitable day. |
rewarding | Providing satisfaction; gratifying. A rewarding career as a paramedic. |
successful | Having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome. A successful actor. |
useful | Having a useful function. Aspirins are useful for headaches. |
valuable | Extremely useful or important. A valuable antique. |
well spent | Resulting favorably. |
worthwhile | Worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance. Extra lighting would make a worthwhile contribution to road safety. |

Usage Examples of "Fruitful" as an adjective
- Be happy, be fruitful.
- This seed will grow into a lovely fruitful tree.
- Memoirs can be a fruitful source of information.
- Be fruitful and multiply.
- And God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply.

Associations of "Fruitful" (30 Words)
affluent | An affluent person a person who is financially well off. The affluent societies of the western world. |
arable | Arable land or crops. Arable farming. |
asexual | Without sex or sexual organs. Asexual parasites. |
bough | Any of the larger branches of a tree. Apple boughs laden with blossom. |
branch | A part of a forked or branching shape. Botany is a branch of biology. |
fecund | Producing many new ideas. Her fecund imagination. |
fecundity | The quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth. Multiply mated females show increased fecundity. |
fertile | Producing many new and inventive ideas. The fertile coastal plain. |
flourishing | Developing rapidly and successfully; thriving. A flourishing career. |
fructify | Bear fruit or become productive. The apple trees fructify. |
gainful | Serving to increase wealth or resources; providing money or other benefit. He soon found gainful employment. |
hinterland | The area around or beyond a major town or port. A market town serving its rich agricultural hinterland. |
leafy | Resembling a leaf or leaves. Green leafy vegetables. |
lucrative | Producing a great deal of profit. A lucrative career as a stand up comedian. |
olive | One seeded fruit of the European olive tree usually pickled and used as a relish. His full lips and olive skin. |
paying | Yielding a fair profit. A paying job. |
productive | (of a prefix, suffix, or other linguistic unit) currently used in forming new words or expressions. His productive years. |
profitable | (of a business or activity) yielding profit or financial gain. He d had a profitable day. |
prolific | Present in large numbers or quantities; plentiful. A prolific pear tree. |
ramify | Spread or branch out; grow and develop in complexity or range. These actions will ramify. |
ramose | Having branches. Ramose corals. |
remunerative | Earning a salary; paid. Remunerative work. |
reproductive | Producing new life or offspring. The reproductive or generative organs. |
sapwood | The soft outer layers of recently formed wood between the heartwood and the bark, containing the functioning vascular tissue. |
shrub | A low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems. |
sinecure | A benefice to which no spiritual or pastoral duties are attached. Political sinecures for the supporters of ministers. |
sprig | A descendant or younger member of a family or social class. A sprig of the French nobility. |
topsoil | The top layer of soil. Dry topsoils are typical in the western Corn Belt. |
twig | Branch out in a twiglike manner. Cutaneous nerve twigs. |
vegetative | Relating to or concerned with growth rather than sexual reproduction. A dull vegetative lifestyle. |