Need another word that means the same as “twig”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “twig” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Twig” are: branchlet, sprig, small branch, shoot, offshoot, stem, scion, catch on, cotton on, get it, get onto, get wise, latch on, tumble
Twig as a Noun
Definitions of "Twig" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “twig” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub.
- A small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division); usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year.
- A small branch of a blood vessel or nerve.

Synonyms of "Twig" as a noun (7 Words)
branchlet | A small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division); usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year. |
offshoot | A side shoot or branch on a plant. Commercial offshoots of universities. |
scion | A descendant of a notable family. He was the scion of a wealthy family. |
shoot | An occasion when a group of people hunt and shoot game for sport. They hold a shoot every weekend during the summer. |
small branch | A garment size for a small person. |
sprig | A descendant or younger member of a family or social class. A sprig of holly. |
stem | A pipe used for smoking crack or opium. The Hellenic tribes were derived from the Aryan stem. |

Usage Examples of "Twig" as a noun
- Cutaneous nerve twigs.

Twig as a Verb
Definitions of "Twig" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “twig” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Branch out in a twiglike manner.
- Understand, usually after some initial difficulty.

Synonyms of "Twig" as a verb (7 Words)
catch on | Cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, or entangled. |
cotton on | Take a liking to. |
get it | Communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone. |
get onto | Enter or assume a certain state or condition. |
get wise | Acquire as a result of some effort or action. |
latch on | Fasten with a latch. |
tumble | Dry washing in a tumble dryer. Property prices tumbled. |

Usage Examples of "Twig" as a verb
- The lightning bolt twigged in several directions.

Associations of "Twig" (30 Words)
branch | A part of a forked or branching shape. Follow this track south until it branches into two. |
bud | Of a plant or animal form a bud. I found him outside smoking some bud. |
drooping | Hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness. Lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers. |
evergreen | Bearing foliage throughout the year. The glossy laurel is fully hardy and evergreen. |
fern | Any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores. |
harrow | Draw a harrow over land. They ploughed and harrowed the heavy clay. |
leaf | A thing that resembles a leaf in being flat and thin. An oak leaf. |
leafy | Having many leaves or much foliage. Leafy trees. |
mistletoe | American plants closely resembling Old World mistletoe. |
nib | A pointed or projecting part of an object. Slide the tile into place until the nibs hook on. |
offshoot | A natural consequence of development. Commercial offshoots of universities. |
olive | The small evergreen tree which produces olives and which has narrow leaves with silvery undersides native to warm regions of the Old World. A cucumber and olive salad. |
outgrowth | A natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant. The book is an imaginative outgrowth of practical criticism. |
pendulous | Hanging down loosely. Pendulous branches. |
ramify | Spread or branch out; grow and develop in complexity or range. These plants ramify early and get to be very large. |
ramose | Having branches; branched. Ramose corals. |
sapwood | Newly formed outer wood lying between the cambium and the heartwood of a tree or woody plant; usually light colored; active in water conduction. |
sector | The minimum track length that can be assigned to store information unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes. He was helpless in an important sector of his life. |
slot | A slot machine that is used for gambling. He developed a version of slot grammar. |
sprig | A young man. A sprig of holly. |
sprout | Put forth and grow sprouts or shoots. The potatoes sprouted. |
stalk | A stalklike support for a sessile animal or for an organ in an animal. Drinking glasses with long stalks. |
stick | Stick to firmly. He collected dry sticks for a campfire. |
sting | Cause an emotional pain as if by stinging. Five blackmailers were jailed last week after they were snared in a police sting. |
thatch | Hair resembling thatched roofing material. Thatch the roofs. |
tine | A prong or sharp point, such as that on a fork or antler. |
tree | Force a hunted animal to take refuge in a tree. Genealogical tree. |
wattle | Interlace to form wattle. |
wedge | A formation of people or animals in the shape of a wedge. He invested his wedge in stocks and shares. |