FURTHERING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FURTHERING?

Need another word that means the same as “furthering”? Find 30 related words for “furthering” in this overview.

Associations of "Furthering" (30 Words)

additionThe process of combining matrices, vectors, or other quantities under specific rules to obtain their sum or resultant.
He was a new addition to the staff.
advancePay in advance.
She rejected his advances.
alsoIn addition; too.
Dyslexia also known as word blindness.
aphelionThe point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is furthest from the sun.
Mars is at aphelion.
approximativeNot quite exact or correct.
A crudely approximative outline.
backlashRecoil arising between parts of a mechanism.
There was a backlash of intolerance.
bounceHit something so that it bounces.
The rubber ball bounced.
bumpyCovered with or full of bumps.
Investors could be in for a bumpy ride.
closenessA feeling of being intimate and belonging together.
The translator s closeness to the original time period.
distanceThe distance from the winning post which a horse must have reached when the winner finishes in order to qualify for a subsequent heat.
At a distance of ten years he had forgotten many of the details.
distantRemote in manner.
Distant events.
endlesslyWith unflagging resolve.
An endlessly fascinating subject.
extensivelyTo a large or detailed degree.
The house was extensively damaged by the fire.
farTo a considerable degree; very much.
The horse on the right is the far horse.
fartherTo or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage further is used more often than farther in this abstract sense.
Farther from the truth.
forthFrom a particular thing or place or position forth is obsolete.
From that time forth.
furthermoreIn addition; besides (used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument.
Computer chess games are getting cheaper all the time furthermore their quality is improving.
increasinglyAdvancing in amount or intensity.
An increasingly difficult situation.
infinitelyWithout bounds.
Infinitely divisible magnitudes.
leapCause to jump or leap.
Amid the notes a couple of items leap out.
longOf elongated shape.
The Cambridge side played the ball long.
mileA footrace extending one mile.
This is my favourite film by a mile.
We have no more bananas.
moreoverAs a further matter; besides.
The cellar was dark moreover mice nested there.
outlyingRelatively far from a center or middle.
Outlying settlements.
outsideFunctioning outside the boundaries or precincts of an organized unit.
I was able to face the outside world again.
progressivelySteadily; in stages.
A circle of progressively minded reformers.
reboundThe act of securing possession of the rebounding basketball after a missed shot.
He had twenty two points and six rebounds and missed only three shots.
resurfaceCover with a new surface.
The missing man suddenly resurfaced in New York.
springMove rapidly or suddenly from a constrained position by or as if by the action of a spring.
The spring was broken.

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