GANGSTER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GANGSTER?

Need another word that means the same as “gangster”? Find 13 synonyms for “gangster” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Gangster” are: mobster, hoodlum, racketeer, bandit, robber, ruffian, thug, tough, desperado, outlaw, villain, lawbreaker, criminal

Gangster as a Noun

Definitions of "Gangster" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “gangster” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A criminal who is a member of gang.
  • A member of a gang of violent criminals.

Synonyms of "Gangster" as a noun (13 Words)

banditA robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area.
The bandit produced a weapon and demanded money.
criminalSomeone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime.
These men are dangerous criminals.
desperadoA desperate or reckless person, especially a criminal.
hoodlumAn aggressive and violent young criminal.
They were the professional gangsters of New York hoodlums and racketeers.
lawbreakerA person who breaks the law.
mobsterA criminal who is a member of gang.
outlawA person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive.
Bands of outlaws held up trains.
racketeerSomeone who commits crimes for profit (especially one who obtains money by fraud or extortion.
robberA person who commits robbery.
ruffianA violent criminal or troublemaker.
toughA cruel and brutal fellow.
A gang of toughs.
villainThe person or thing responsible for specified problems, harm, or damage.
A pantomime villain.

Usage Examples of "Gangster" as a noun

  • Gangster movies.
  • Gangsters threatened to kill him if he did not cooperate in the theft.

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