GET RID: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GET RID?

Need another word that means the same as “get rid”? Find 30 related words for “get rid” in this overview.

Associations of "Get rid" (30 Words)

acquireLocate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar.
I acquired a strong aversion to television.
acquiredGotten through environmental forces.
Acquired characteristics such as a suntan or a broken nose cannot be passed on.
acquirementAn ability that has been acquired by training.
The acquirement of self control.
acquisitionThe cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge.
The acquisition of one company by another.
arriveReach a destination arrive by movement or progress.
They arrived at the same conclusion.
attainTo gain with effort.
Clarify your objectives and ways of attaining them.
attainableCapable of being attained or accomplished.
Yields in excess of 6 are easily attainable.
available(of a person) not otherwise occupied; free to do something.
He was available and willing to accompany her.
bringBring into a different state.
She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings.
comeCome to pass arrive as in due course.
I make sure my kids come first.
derive(of a sentence in a natural language) be linked by a set of stages to (its underlying logical form).
Words whose spelling derives from Dr Johnson s incorrect etymology.
earnEarn on some commercial or business transaction earn as salary or wages.
This latest win earned them 50 000 in prize money.
expulsionThe action or process of forcing someone to leave a place.
Oxytocin causes expulsion of milk from the lactating mammary gland.
fetchThe action of fetching.
That brute Cullam fetched him a wallop.
The stock market gained 24 points today.
haveHave sex with archaic use.
Have a lover.
incurReceive a specified treatment (abstract.
I will pay any expenses incurred.
obtainBe prevalent, customary, or established.
Adequate insurance cover is difficult to obtain.
obtainableCapable of being obtained.
Customers financial details are easily obtainable.
possessionThe act of having and controlling property.
They re charged with possession.
procureGet by special effort.
Food procured for the rebels.
procurementThe action or occupation of acquiring military equipment and supplies.
The company s procurements from foreign firms.
purchaseSomething acquired by purchase.
Mr Gill spotted the manuscript at a local auction and purchased it for 1 500.
reachReach a point in time or a certain state or level.
She reached forward and yanked the curtains back.
receiveReceive a specified treatment abstract.
The band will receive a 100 000 advance.
recipientThe semantic role of the animate entity that is passively involved in the happening denoted by the verb in the clause.
The recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
regainCome upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost.
He soon regained his composure.
retrievalThe operation of accessing information from the computer’s memory.
Online information retrieval.
secureMake (a door or container) hard to open; fasten or lock.
No airport is totally secure.
wangleAn act or an instance of obtaining something by persuasion or clever manipulation.
I think we should be able to wangle it so that you can start tomorrow.

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