GET YOUR BEARINGS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GET YOUR BEARINGS?

Need another word that means the same as “get your bearings”? Find 30 related words for “get your bearings” in this overview.

Associations of "Get your bearings" (30 Words)

acquireCome into the possession of something concrete or abstract.
I ve acquired a taste for whisky.
acquiredGotten through environmental forces.
Acquired characteristics such as a suntan or a broken nose cannot be passed on.
acquirementThe action of acquiring something.
The acquirement of self control.
acquisitionThe act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something.
The legacy will be used for new acquisitions.
arriveReach a destination arrive by movement or progress.
We arrived at his house and knocked at the door.
attainTo gain with effort.
He attained the rank of Brigadier.
attainableCapable of being attained or accomplished.
Choose an attainable goal.
availableNot busy; not otherwise committed.
He was available and willing to accompany her.
bringBring into a different state.
Bring charges.
buyBe a buyer for a store or firm.
This sum will buy you a ride on the train.
comeCome forth.
The best is yet to come.
deriveArise from or originate in (a specified source.
The word man is derived from the Sanskrit manas.
earnEarn on some commercial or business transaction earn as salary or wages.
She earns a lot in her new job.
expulsionThe act of forcing out someone or something.
His expulsion from the union.
fetchThe action of fetching.
That brute Cullam fetched him a wallop.
gainObtain or secure (something wanted or desirable.
We gained the ridge.
haveHave sex with archaic use.
An increasing gap between the haves and have nots.
incurReceive a specified treatment (abstract.
I will pay any expenses incurred.
obtainGet, acquire, or secure (something.
How did you obtain the visa.
obtainableCapable of being obtained.
Customers financial details are easily obtainable.
possessionSomething that is owned or possessed.
The book came into my possession.
procureCause (something) to happen.
He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed.
procurementThe act of getting possession of something.
Defence procurement.
purchaseObtain by purchase acquire by means of a financial transaction.
The large number of videos currently available for purchase.
reachA distance traversed in reaching.
He told a story to illustrate the reach of his fame.
receiveReceive a specified treatment abstract.
The basin that receives your blood.
regainReach (a place, position, or thing) again; get back to.
She regained control of herself.
secureMake certain of.
A secure unit for young offenders.
takeTake on a certain form attribute or aspect.
Take an opportunity.
unavailableNot able to be used or obtained; not at someone’s disposal.
Material which is unavailable to the researcher.

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