GLANCING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GLANCING?

Need another word that means the same as “glancing”? Find 8 synonyms and 30 related words for “glancing” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Glancing” are: hasty, hurried, cursory, perfunctory, superficial, desultory, incidental, summary

Glancing as an Adjective

Definitions of "Glancing" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “glancing” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Striking someone or something at an angle rather than directly and with full force.

Synonyms of "Glancing" as an adjective (8 Words)

cursoryHasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
A casual or cursory inspection failed to reveal the house s structural flaws.
desultoryOccurring randomly or occasionally.
The desultory conversation faded.
hastyDone with very great haste and without due deliberation- Shakespeare- Arthur Geddes.
Hasty makeshifts take the place of planning.
hurriedDone in a hurry; rushed.
A hurried job.
incidentalHappening as a minor accompaniment to something else.
The road will bring other incidental advantages.
perfunctory(of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort.
Perfunctory courtesy.
summaryBriefly giving the gist of something.
A summary formulation of a wide ranging subject.
superficialNot thorough, deep, or complete; cursory.
Superficial similarities.

Usage Examples of "Glancing" as an adjective

  • He was struck a glancing blow.

Associations of "Glancing" (30 Words)

askanceWith a side or oblique glance.
Her eyes with their misted askance look.
at100 at equal 1 kip in Laos.
briefInstruct a barrister by brief.
Covered the matter in a brief statement.
browseFeed as in a meadow or pasture.
They reach upward to browse on bushes.
contentedSatisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are.
I felt warm and contented.
disapprovingExpressing or manifesting disapproval.
He shot a disapproving glance at her.
eyeThe visual or light detecting organ of many invertebrate animals that corresponds to the eye of humans and vertebrate animals.
Rose eyed him warily.
fixateAttach (oneself) to a person or thing in a neurotic way.
Subjects fixated a central point.
gazeLook steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.
Offices screened from the public gaze.
glimpseCatch a glimpse of or see briefly.
During the interview he offered a behind the scenes glimpse of television.
hairstyleA particular way in which a person’s hair is cut or arranged.
lookLook forward to the probable occurrence of.
She looked pale after the surgery.
observingQuick to notice; showing quick and keen perception.
onlookerA non-participating observer; a spectator.
A crowd of fascinated onlookers.
peekA quick or furtive look.
His socks were so full of holes his toes peeked through.
probation(law) a way of dealing with offenders without imprisoning them; a defendant found guilty of a crime is released by the court without imprisonment subject to conditions imposed by the court.
Probation is part of the sentencing process.
rummageAn unsystematic and untidy search.
He gave the attic a good rummage but couldn t find his skis.
searchingHaving keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect.
A searching investigation of their past dealings.
seeGo to see for a social visit.
Did you know that she is seeing an older man.
seemSeem to be true probable or apparent.
It seems that he is very gifted.
sidelongSituated at or extending to the side- Tennyson.
Shot out sidelong boughs.
sideways(of movement) at an angle.
He came into politics sideways as campaign manager for the president.
smugHaving or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one’s achievements.
A smug glow of self congratulation.
squintThe act of squinting looking with the eyes partly closed.
The children squinted so as to scare each other.
stareBe unpleasantly prominent or striking.
She gave him a cold stare.
staring(used of eyes) open and fixed as if in fear or wonder.
Stark staring mad.
suspiciouslyWith a cautious distrust or suspicion of someone or something.
He was arrested after behaving suspiciously.
vigilantKeeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
The vigilant eye of the town watch.
visitPay a brief visit.
The mockery visited upon him by his schoolmates.
watchA watchman or group of watchmen who patrolled and guarded the streets of a town before the introduction of the police force.
Watch a basketball game.

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