Categories: GeneralSynonyms

GLEAM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GLEAM?

Need another word that means the same as “gleam”? Find 41 synonyms and 30 related words for “gleam” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Gleam” are: glint, glisten, glitter, shine, glimmer, catch the light, shimmer, glow, sparkle, twinkle, flicker, blink, wink, flash, flare, beam, fluoresce, gleaming, lambency, spark, lustre, gloss, sheen, glimmering, ray, trace, suggestion, hint, faint sign, scintilla

Gleam as a Noun

Definitions of "Gleam" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “gleam” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • An expression of an emotion or quality in a person's eyes.
  • A brief or faint instance of a quality or emotion.
  • A flash of light (especially reflected light.
  • An appearance of reflected light.
  • A faint or brief light, especially one reflected from something.

Synonyms of "Gleam" as a noun (24 Words)

blinkA reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly.
He was observing her every blink.
faint signA spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain.
flareA gradual widening in shape, especially towards the hem of a garment.
She felt a flare of anger within her.
flashA newsflash.
If in any doubt use flash.
flickerA momentary flash of light.
A flicker of a smile passed across her face.
gleamingA flash of light (especially reflected light.
glimmerA slight suggestion or vague understanding.
He saw a faint glimmer of light from her window.
glimmeringA slight suggestion or vague understanding.
The glimmering of an idea flashed into Isabel s brain.
glintA spatially localized brightness.
She saw the glint of excitement in his eyes.
glossThe property of being smooth and shiny.
The undercoat is applied followed by two coats of gloss.
glowA feeling of warmth in the face or body.
The setting sun cast a deep red glow over the city.
hintA slight or indirect indication or suggestion.
He has given no hint of his views.
lambencyAn appearance of reflected light.
lustreCeramics with an iridescent metallic glaze lustreware.
She couldn t eat and her hair lost its lustre.
rayA thing that is arranged radially.
Catch some rays on a sandy beach.
scintillaA tiny or scarcely detectable amount.
A scintilla of doubt.
sheenThe visual property of something that shines with reflected light.
Black crushed velvet with a slight sheen.
shimmerA soft, slightly wavering light.
The shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers.
shineA quality of brightness produced when light is reflected on something.
My hair has lost its shine.
sparkScottish writer of satirical novels (born in 1918.
A log fire was sending sparks on to the rug.
sparkleThe occurrence of a small flash or spark.
He had a sparkle in his eye.
suggestionPersuasion formulated as a suggestion.
Here are some suggestions for tackling the problem.
traceA very small quantity, especially one too small to be accurately measured.
We ve got a trace on the call.
twinkleA rapid change in brightness; a brief spark or flash.
The distant twinkle of the lights.

Usage Examples of "Gleam" as a noun

  • The gleam of hope vanished.
  • The gleam of a silver tray.
  • She saw a gleam of triumph in his eyes.

Gleam as a Verb

Definitions of "Gleam" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “gleam” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Appear briefly.
  • Shine brightly, especially with reflected light.
  • Shine brightly, like a star or a light.
  • Be shiny, as if wet.
  • (of a smooth surface or object) reflect light because well polished.
  • (of an emotion or quality) be expressed through the brightness of a person's eyes.

Synonyms of "Gleam" as a verb (17 Words)

beamExpress with a beaming face or smile.
The satellite beamed back radio signals to scientists on Earth.
blinkKeep back by blinking.
She blinked away her tears.
catch the lightPerceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily.
flareBecome flared and widen usually at one end.
The controversy flared up again in 2003.
flashGleam or glow intermittently.
The story was flashed around the world.
flicker(of someone’s eyes) move quickly in a particular direction in order to look at something.
Her eyelids flickered.
fluoresceExhibit or undergo fluorescence.
The molecules fluoresce when excited by ultraviolet radiation.
glimmerShine brightly, like a star or a light.
The moonlight glimmered on the lawn.
glintGive out or reflect small flashes of light.
His eyes glinted angrily.
glisten(of something wet or greasy) shine with a sparkling light.
His cheeks glistened with tears.
glitterShine with a bright, shimmering reflected light.
The grass glittered with dew.
glow(of a person’s face) appear pink or red as a result of warmth, health, embarrassment, etc.
Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna.
shimmerGive off a shimmering reflection as of silk.
Beech leaves shimmered in the moonlight.
shineMake a surface shine.
Tonight he will have a chance to shine and win a world boxing title.
sparkleReflect brightly.
The musical performance sparkled.
twinkle(of a person’s eyes) sparkle, especially with amusement.
The smile made her face crease and her eyes twinkle.
winkSignal by winking.
He winked at Nicole as he passed.

Usage Examples of "Gleam" as a verb

  • A terrible thought gleamed in her mind.
  • Affection gleamed in her large green eyes.
  • Light gleamed on the china cats.
  • Victor buffed the glass until it gleamed.
  • Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction.

Associations of "Gleam" (30 Words)

beamExpress with a beaming face or smile.
The detector simply pinpoints the radar beams that other ships transmit.
brightMade smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing reflecting a sheen or glow.
A bright sunlit room.
brillianceThe quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand.
Lapis lazuli was highly regarded for the brilliance of its colour.
brilliantlyIn an extremely intelligent way.
She succeeded brilliantly.
dazzlingAmazingly impressive; suggestive of the flashing of lightning.
A dazzling display of football.
effulgenceThe quality of being bright and sending out rays of light.
filamentA very slender natural or synthetic fiber.
Each myosin filament is usually surrounded by 12 actin filaments.
flashA newsflash.
A flash car.
flickerShine unsteadily.
Amusement flickered briefly in his eyes.
glimmerA slight suggestion or vague understanding.
There is one glimmer of hope for Becky.
glintA spatially localized brightness.
Her glasses glinted in the firelight.
glistenThe quality of shining with a bright reflected light.
His cheeks glistened with tears.
glitterBe shiny, as if wet.
The blue glitter of the sea.
glowA strong feeling of pleasure or well-being.
He could feel the brandy filling him with a warm glow.
illuminateMake free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear.
His face was illuminated by a smile.
illuminationA condition of spiritual awareness divine illumination.
These books form the most sustained analysis and illumination of the subject.
illumineMake lighter or brighter.
He moved her lamp so that her face was illumined.
lampSupply with lamps illuminate.
Poachers snared and lamped at night and sold their catch in the pubs.
lightThe quality of being luminous emitting or reflecting light.
A lightsome buoyant step.
lightenMake more cheerful through the use of color.
Try to lighten up and think positive.
limelightA focus of public attention.
He enjoyed being in the limelight.
lucentSoftly bright or radiant.
The lucent moon.
luminosityThe intrinsic brightness of a celestial object (as distinct from its apparent brightness diminished by distance.
Altair has ten times the luminosity of the sun.
phosphorescentEmitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous.
The phosphorescent glow of decaying wood.
radiantA radiant point.
A radiant heater.
shimmerGive off a shimmering reflection as of silk.
Beech leaves shimmered in the moonlight.
shineMake a surface shine.
His shoes were shined to perfection.
sparkleThe occurrence of a small flash or spark.
There was a sparkle in his eyes.
sunlightLight from the sun.
A shaft of sunlight.
twinkleA light which appears continually to grow brighter and fainter.
There s a perpetual twinkle in his eyes.

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