Need another word that means the same as “glitch”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “glitch” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Glitch” are: bug, crash, breakdown, fault, failure, defect, flaw, collapse, impairment, problem, difficulty, issue, hitch, complication, upset, disappointment, misfortune, mishap, piece of bad luck, unfortunate development, reversal, reverse, reverse of fortune
Glitch as a Noun
Definitions of "Glitch" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “glitch” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine.
- A sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment.
- A brief irregularity in the rotation of a pulsar.
- An unexpected setback.

Synonyms of "Glitch" as a noun (23 Words)
breakdown | A mental or physical breakdown. A breakdown in military discipline. |
bug | An error in a computer program or system. They caught the sailing bug. |
collapse | An abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion. The collapse of a number of prominent banks. |
complication | The act or process of complicating. She developed complications after the surgery. |
crash | The act of colliding with something. He slammed the phone down with a crash. |
defect | An imperfection in an object or machine. If there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer. |
difficulty | A factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result. Finished the test only with great difficulty. |
disappointment | A person or thing that causes disappointment. To her disappointment there was no chance to talk privately with Luke. |
failure | An unsuccessful person or thing. Bad weather had resulted in crop failures. |
fault | The quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection. They built it right over a geological fault. |
flaw | Defect or weakness in a person’s character. He had his flaws but he was great nonetheless. |
hitch | An act of hitch hiking. Everything went without a hitch. |
impairment | The condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness. A degree of physical or mental impairment. |
issue | Supplies as food or clothing or ammunition issued by the government. A small number of users are experiencing connectivity issues. |
misfortune | An unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes. Never laugh at other people s misfortunes. |
mishap | An unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate. The event passed without mishap. |
piece of bad luck | Game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games. |
problem | (in chess) an arrangement of pieces in which the solver has to achieve a specified result. A problem family. |
reversal | Turning in the opposite direction. The champions suffered a League reversal at Gloucester last month. |
reverse | The design or inscription on the reverse of a coin or medal. He didn t feel homesick quite the reverse. |
reverse of fortune | The side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design. |
unfortunate development | A person who suffers misfortune. |
upset | The act of upsetting something. Everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time. |

Usage Examples of "Glitch" as a noun
- The only glitch in his year is failing to qualify for the Masters.
- A draft version was lost in a computer glitch.

Associations of "Glitch" (30 Words)
amiss | Not functioning properly. Something went badly amiss in the preparations. |
annoy | Cause annoyance in disturb especially by minor irritations. Your damned cheerfulness has always annoyed me. |
ant | Social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers. |
badger | A native or resident of Wisconsin. His daughter was always badgering him to let her join. |
beleaguer | Lay siege to (a place); besiege. Our leaders decided to beleaguer the city. |
blunder | Make a stupid or careless mistake; act or speak clumsily. I blundered during the job interview. |
bug | A small hidden microphone; for listening secretly. A persistent reporter was bugging me. |
clanger | A conspicuous mistake whose effects seem to reverberate. He dropped a clanger. |
defect | A failing or deficiency. Genetic defects. |
err | Be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake. He has erred and strayed as many of us have. |
error | Inadvertent incorrectness. The decisions of the appeal committee disclosed no error of law. |
flawed | Having a blemish or flaw. A flawed hero. |
gaffe | A socially awkward or tactless act. His comments are a major diplomatic gaffe. |
harass | Make repeated small-scale attacks on (an enemy. The squadron s task was to harass the retreating enemy forces. |
hexapod | A six-legged arthropod belonging to the class Hexapoda. The oldest known land animal is a hexapod found in Scotland dated at 405 million years. |
inadvertence | An unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something. |
lapse | A mistake resulting from inattention. The country has lapsed into chaos. |
misconceive | Fail to understand (something) correctly. Some academic latinists did misconceive Pound s poem in that way. |
misconstrue | Interpret (a person’s words or actions) wrongly. My advice was deliberately misconstrued. |
misunderstanding | A failure to understand something correctly. There must have been some kind of misunderstanding. |
oversight | A mistake resulting from inattention. He had simply missed Parsons out by an oversight. |
peeve | A cause of annoyance. That was the one thing that peeved him. |
pester | Annoy persistently. She constantly pestered him with telephone calls. |
scorpion | Used in names of arachnids and insects resembling a scorpion e g false scorpion water scorpion. |
slip | A reduction in the movement of a pulley or other mechanism due to slipping of the belt rope etc. A single slip could send them plummeting down the mountainside. |
slowdown | A decline in economic activity. A traffic slowdown in the passing lane. |
solecism | A grammatical mistake in speech or writing. |
tease | Tear into pieces. He ignored their teases. |
typo | A typographical error. |
unforced | Not resulting from undue effort; not forced. His retirement was an unforced departure. |