GLOBALLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GLOBALLY?

Need another word that means the same as “globally”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “globally” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Globally” are: internationally

Globally as an Adverb

Definitions of "Globally" as an adverb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “globally” as an adverb can have the following definitions:

  • In a way that relates to the whole of something.
  • Throughout the world.
  • In a way that operates or applies through the whole of a file, program, etc.
  • In a way that relates to the whole world.

Synonyms of "Globally" as an adverb (1 Word)

internationallyThroughout the world.
The trial attracted attention both locally and internationally.

Usage Examples of "Globally" as an adverb

  • They do not often go into all the little fine detail; they look at it globally.
  • This is globally significant.
  • The city is globally renowned for its artists.
  • Firms that can compete globally.
  • The processing can be applied globally to all digital output signals.

Associations of "Globally" (30 Words)

continentAny of the world’s main continuous expanses of land (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia, Antarctica).
There are seven continents.
cosmopolitanA cosmopolitan person.
His knowledge of French Italian and Spanish made him genuinely cosmopolitan.
countryThe people who live in a nation or country.
The country s largest manufacturer.
countrywideOccurring or extending throughout a country or nation.
A countrywide fund raising campaign.
eastOf or denoting the eastern part of a specified region town or country.
A factory in the east of the city.
easternOf or characteristic of eastern regions of the United States.
Eastern cities.
endemicAn endemic plant or animal.
Endemic malaria.
globeForm something into a globe.
A security light with a frosted glass globe.
historyThe past considered as a whole.
History takes the long view.
intercontinentalExtending or taking place between or among continents.
Intercontinental exploration.
internationallyIn, between, or among many different nations.
She is internationally known.
locallyIn a way that applies or is only available for use in one part of a program.
Locally produced goods.
nationallyWith regard to a nation taken as a whole.
His watercolours have been exhibited nationally.
occidentThe hemisphere that includes North America and South America.
onenessThe state of being in harmony with someone or something.
Holding to the oneness of God the Father as the only God.
orientSituated in or belonging to the east oriental.
Market oriented economic reforms.
oriental(of a pearl or other jewel) orient.
Oriental civilization.
pandemicAn outbreak of a pandemic disease.
Pandemic diseases have occurred throughout history.
seismologyThe branch of geology that studies earthquakes.
southThe southern part of England.
The south entrance.
southeastComing from the southeast.
Southeasterly breezes.
southernSituated in or coming from regions of the south.
The southern rural poor.
southwestComing from the southwest.
The winds are southwesterly.
transnationalA multinational company.
Transnational advertising agencies.
traveledTraveled over or through sometimes used as a combining term.
Well traveled people.
universalA universal proposition.
Universal chuck.
westThe region of the United States lying to the west of the Mississippi River.
A patrol aimed to create a diversion to the west of the city.
wholeActing together as a single undiversified whole.
A whole loaf of bread.
worldThe 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on.
They had been brought up to regard France as a world power.
worldwideOf worldwide scope or applicability.
A worldwide epidemic.

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