Need another word that means the same as “graceful”? Find 26 synonyms and 30 related words for “graceful” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Graceful” are: elegant, refined, stylish, tasteful, sophisticated, dignified, distinguished, discerning, with good taste, poised, fluid, fluent, flowing, supple, smooth, easy, effortless, natural, neat, precise, agile, nimble, light-footed, deft, dexterous, adroit
Graceful as an Adjective
Definitions of "Graceful" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “graceful” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Suggesting taste, ease, and wealth.
- Characterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution.
- Having or showing grace or elegance.

Synonyms of "Graceful" as an adjective (26 Words)
adroit | Clever or skilful. His adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers. |
agile | Mentally quick. Agile methods replace high level design with frequent redesign. |
deft | Skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands. A deft piece of footwork. |
dexterous | Showing or having skill, especially with the hands. Dexterous of hand and inventive of mind. |
dignified | Having or expressing dignity; especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance. She maintained a dignified silence. |
discerning | Having or revealing keen insight and good judgment. A discerning reader. |
distinguished | Dignified and noble in appearance or manner. His distinguished bearing. |
easy | Achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties. Easy living. |
effortless | Requiring or apparently requiring no effort. I went up the steps in two effortless bounds. |
elegant | Refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style. An elegant dark suit. |
flowing | Graceful and fluent. A flowing prose style. |
fluent | Able to flow freely; fluid. He spoke fluent Spanish. |
fluid | Characteristic of a fluid capable of flowing and easily changing shape. A fluid situation fraught with uncertainty. |
light-footed | Having a light and springy step. |
natural | Relating to earthly human or physical nature as distinct from the spiritual or supernatural realm. Natural cliffs. |
neat | Without water. Her neat dress. |
nimble | Mentally quick. As nimble as a deer. |
poised | Marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action. A gull in poised flight. |
precise | (of a person) exact, accurate, and careful about details. A precise mind. |
refined | With impurities or unwanted elements having been removed by processing. To gild refined gold. |
smooth | Music without breaks between notes smooth and connected. His face was curiously smooth and youthful. |
sophisticated | Appealing to or frequented by people who are sophisticated. A sophisticated audience. |
stylish | Having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress. A stylish cocktail bar. |
supple | (used of persons’ bodies) capable of moving or bending freely. This body oil leaves your skin feeling deliciously supple. |
tasteful | Having or showing or conforming to good taste. A tasteful lounge bar. |
with good taste | Having the normally expected amount. |

Usage Examples of "Graceful" as an adjective
- She was a tall girl, slender and graceful.

Associations of "Graceful" (30 Words)
aplomb | Self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation. Diana passed the test with aplomb. |
belle | A beautiful girl or woman, especially the most beautiful at a particular event. The belle of the ball. |
benediction | (in the Roman Catholic Church) a service in which the congregation is blessed with the sacrament. He eventually wins benediction. |
blessing | The formal act of approving. It s a blessing we re alive. |
breakable | An article that is fragile and easily broken. Breakable ornaments. |
brittle | A brittle sweet made from nuts and set melted sugar. A brittle and calculating woman. |
cultivated | Marked by refinement in taste and manners. He was a remarkably cultivated and educated man. |
cultured | Characterized by refined taste and manners and good education. Cultured Bostonians. |
dainty | Affectedly dainty or refined. A dainty morsel. |
debonair | Having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air. A debonair gentleman. |
delicate | A delicate fabric or garment. His delicate ball playing skills. |
elegance | A refined quality of gracefulness and good taste. The simplicity and elegance of his invention. |
elegant | (of a scientific theory or solution to a problem) pleasingly ingenious and simple. An elegant dancer. |
enchantingly | In a bewitching manner. |
femininity | Qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of women. She alternated between embracing her femininity and concealing it. |
gentility | Elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression. Her grandmother s pretensions to gentility. |
glorify | Praise glorify or honor. A football video glorifying violence. |
grace | In Greek mythology three beautiful goddesses Aglaia Thalia and Euphrosyne believed to personify and bestow charm grace and beauty. A two month grace period. |
gracefully | In a gracious or graceful manner. He has aged gracefully. |
graciously | In a gracious or graceful manner. He smiled graciously. |
luxury | Luxurious or of the nature of a luxury. Luxury goods. |
mincing | Affectedly dainty or refined. I don t have to go through the rest of my life with that mincing voice of yours. |
poise | Cause to be balanced or suspended. The world was poised between peace and war. |
refined | (used of persons and their behavior) cultivated and genteel. Refined people with refined taste. |
sophisticated | Appealing to or frequented by people who are sophisticated. A young man with sophisticated tastes. |
svelte | Moving and bending with ease. She was svelte and sophisticated. |
tasteful | Having or showing or conforming to good taste. A tasteful lounge bar. |
ticklish | (of a person) sensitive to being tickled. I m ticklish on the feet. |
urbane | Courteous and refined in manner (typically used of a man. The supposedly urbane restrained English gentleman. |
willowy | Bordered, shaded, or covered by willows. Willowy meadow land. |